By: Joe Capaldi (Dmanx)

This faq was designed to help people with the really difficult parts and secrets within the game. Enjoy.

Whatever I added in, my two-bits, are in red. - Cali

Q: How do I defeat the Atma Weapon in the Floating Continent?

A: Easy. Just use Phantom's powers of invisibilty, and Equip with Wall Rings to keep him from messing you up real bad.

Or you can be a skunk and cast Vanish on him, then Doom.

Q: What should my parties be when I have to fight Kefka in Narshe?

A: That's your choice. The parties I had the best luck with are:

(A). Terra and Celes (Both Equipped with Earrings) B. Sabin, Cyan (The power behind the squad, use to fight Kefka), and Locke (To absorb hits) and C. Egdar and Gau (Use Bomb rage and Bio-Blaster w/ Crossbow; fight the Horseback Rider with this party) Place Party A at one opening and Party C at the other. Save B for Kefka.

I had a very similar party to this one, although I made Sabin & Cyan take the main beating by defeating everyone except Kefka, which Terra, Celes & Locke did. I sent Sabin & Cyan on an agressive search for fights. <g>

Q: How about when I search for Terra?

A: Try Sabin, Egder, and Gau. Shadow will join you in Kolingen for 3000 GP. He's worth his price. When you head for the Opera House,try Cyan and Egdar. Locke and Celes will automatically be in your party.

Q: What if I want to choose my own party?

A: Then put a strong fighter (Sabin or Cyan), a magic user (Terra or Celes), and 2 others in the party.

Q: What are the best relics?

A: One person should always be equiped with Sprint Shoes. The others shouldbe equipped with Wall Rings, Cure Rings, Black Belts, and Mog should use the Moogle Charm in the 2nd half of the game. Shadow should use a Genji Glove and Offering, so his fight command will be deadly. Also worth a look.

Well, everyone's different. I like the Offering + Atlas Armlet combo.

Q: What can Gogo do?

A: Besides mimic the person before him, Gogo can be anyone inthe party. Just bring up his skills menu and point to the 3 blankspaces. Select a skill accordingly. I set him up with items, Magic, andBlitz. Fight works too, especially if he is using the Heal Rod.

Q: Where do I find Gogo?

A: He's in Triangle Island. Take a party of 3 including Mog (So you won't have to deal with the enemies inside the island) Walk around and encounter the Zone Eater. Don't fight it. Instead, let it suck you inside. You'll now have to go through 4 different sets of puzzles- A way to get the treasures below the bridges, crossing the bridge, The Ceiling trap (Equip with Sprint Shoes) and the treasure chests. The solutions in order: Let the green men knock you off to get the treasures, Jump on the bridge whenthe green men are not there, Go to the holes near the treasure chests andmake a mad dash for the exit, and Hit the switch in the center to open more of the bridge up, then bounce to Gogo.

The Triangle Island is the far top north-eastern part of the map.

Q: Where is Mog?

A: In the world of Balance, after you reach Lone Wolf, Mog will be taken captive. Instead of going for Lone Wolf's treasure (A Gold Hairpin), rescue Mog. After you find him, fight everywhere possible to get some Dances. In the World of Ruin, get him in Narshe's mines where the othermoogles were. After getting him back in the party, Check the space behind him to get the Moogle Charm.

The moogle charm ensures 0% RANDOM enemy encounters.

Q: Are there any other characters in the game besides the ones you use?

A: No. The endings for all the characters have ending themes to them.The people that didn't have themes (like Generel Leo, Cid, etc.) won't be in the ending.

Q: How do I beat the 3 Part Monster and Kefka at the end?

A: Have all your characters learn Ultima (from Ragnarok; leave him an esper. You'll thank yourself for it later) and Just launch non stop Ultima. Use a Megalixer when you are a little low on HP.(To get a good supply of Megalixers, steal from the enemies in the desert on Celes' island a.k.a where you start the World of Ruin.). When you reach Kefka, keep up the Ultima. 8 or 9 Ultimas and Kefka will give up the ghost.

I think the 3 Part-Monster is actually the 3 statue's entities. Think about it; the first one Poltergeist, the second Doom, and the third one Goddess.

Actually, I thought Kefka had 60,000 HP, but maybe his ultima's didnt always do 9999. What a wuss. Zeromus had 111,111 HP. Almost twice as much as Kefka had.

Q: How do I beat Intangir?

A: This Gargantua can be harnessed by casting Doom when he's invisible.Even though he will kill the person who cast it, the other 3 members will gain 10 Magic Points. Stay here to learn spells.

Q: How do I learn spells real fast?

A: In the Balance world, try the Intangir or the forests of the Southern Continent. Also the Cave of Espers near Thamasa works well.In the Ruined world, try the little stretch of Desert near Maranda.Here you will find Cactrot (Use Blitz or tools) which will give 10 Magic Points, and the Hoover (X-Zone or Doom) which will give you 5 Magic Points and about 1,800 Exp. for each person in your party.Stay here to learn spells.

Q: Why should I get the Cursed Shield?

A: Used in conjunction with Ribbon, fight 256 battles and it will turn into a Paladin Shield, which is the best shield in the game.

You can also learn Ultima from this shield.

.Q: How do I beat Magi-Master in The Cult of Kefka's Tower without losing in the end?

A: Attack him with about 4-5 Ultimas. Then use Palidor to Jump ally our members. Only 1 or 2 should be hit by the Ultima that Magi-Master uses. Or you could just cast Life 3 and heal afterwards.Or you could use Phantom Esper and Bserk to make him miss all shots.Or cast Osmone and Rasp until his MP is gone. However, this may take long.

Real long.Q: Are there any secrets that are hard to find?

A: Of course. Here are a couple:

1- On Mount Figaro, there is a blade called the Guardian in one of thecaves. Go down to reach the chest. Equip it on Locke.

2- In Strato and Relm's house, There is a Memento Ring on the 2ndfloor.

3- When you escape the Floating Continent, Don't jump in the Airshipright away; instead wait until the countdown almost runs out, thenShadow will appear. He will take Relm's place in the Veldt Cave.To get him to join for good, Rescue him. Then when he leaves,go to the Colliseum and bet the Striker Dirk. Fight Shadow and when you win,he'll join for good.

4- Sabin's 8th Blitz, The Bum Rush, can be learned from Duncun.To find him, go to Narshe's island and search for 5 trees in a diamondshape as follows: T TTT T The center one is Duncun's house. It's worth getting.

5- Here is the beef on the 8 Dragons, Doom Gaze, and Phunbaba: Dirt- Equip all with Gaia Gear and Fight him.Storm- Bolt3's for ; Fire- Ice3; Ice- Fire3; Gold- Ultima; Dust- Ultima; Blue- Bolt3; Pearl;- Ultima; Doom Gaze (He'll find you in the airship. Just Fly around)Use Ultima and make sure your levels aren't divisible by 5 ie. level 20, 25, etc.;Phunbaba- Terra's Fire should wreak him the 2nd time. the 1st timeuse Fire Knuckle (Sabin's fight weapon at the time when you fight him) and Fire2. Keep it up.

Be careful, it sounds confusing. He's assuming that you know when he says "Ice - Fire3; Gold - Ultima" that Ice means Ice Dragon, and to use Fire 3 against him, and for the Gold Dragon, use Ultima on him.

6-Use Revivify or Fenix Down on any of the undead to destroy them.

7- The ultimate cheat: Cast Vanish on an enemy, then cast Doom.Can you say Nuclear Missle?

8- Speaking of Nuclear Missles, once you get Ultima, use it on all the bosses you encounter.

9- Monsters in boxes are vulnerable to Doom and other techniques that kill enemies instantly. And use Revivify, as stated above, to wreck the undead.

Q: What the *$#@ do I do to find Terra in Zozo? And then what? And where to get the chainsaw. =)

A: I had some major problems on this part until I figured out whatI had to do. Go to the Biggest Building in town. Climb up until youreach an open window outdoors. Press "A" to jump across to the otherbuilding. Fight Dadaluma with your strongest attacks, then head to thetop. Terra is there and so are a few treasures. This is also wherea few Espers are camped out. These will give you magic. Check out the rest of town for some good treasures, like the Thief Glove (Changes steal to Capture), Fire Knuckle (Powerful weapon for Sabin), and other goodies.The most important of these is the Chainsaw. Get it by setting the clock in one of the buildings to 6:10:50. Then head back to Jidoor.

Q: How do I beat the Guardian in Thamasa and Vector?

A: You can't. The only time you can harm him is in Kefka's Tower. He'sthe first of about 6 bosses, including the 3 Statues and Kefka himself. In other words, run away before he tries to attack.

Q: Shadow's dreams show real places in the game. What can I get if I find these places?

A: Good Question. Unfortunately, nobody has the answers. I didn't findanything in those places, but I heard a rumor that the 1 Million GPcan be found in Thamasa. I doubt it's true though, because I looked all over and cant find Sh*t.

This FAQ was created by Dmanx (Joe Capaldi) and can be distributed anywhere. Just give me credit.

Version 1.0 completed 5/17/97.Version 1.2 completed 5/30/97. Version edited 10/3/98 by Cali.