Final Fantasy III Spell and Tool List
by Dmanx
NOTE: This is a complete spell list. I will include Spell Name, MP Used, Short Description,and what I think about the spell. I hope this will help you decide what spells are useful andwhat spells not to waste your time on.
Spells:Name................MP Used...........Description
1. Antdot: 3 Cures Poisoning-----My opinion: Handy to have, but a relic works just as good.
2. Bio 26 Poison-Elemental Attack-----My opinion: Not really that useful, but it helps to have it.
3. Bolt 6 Lightning-Elemental Attack-----My opinion: Not that handy because you should also have Bolt2 by that point.
4. Blot2 22 Lightning-Elemental Attack-----My opinion: Very Handy against Magitek Weaponry. A must have early on.
5. Bolt3 53 Lightning-Elemental Attack-----My opinion: Again, very useful against machines.
6. Break 25 Turns Enemy into Stone-----My opinion: I don't really use this too often. It doesn't work on some of the more powerful creatures.
7. Bserk 16 Cast Beserk on target-----My opinion: Handy against enemies who use only spells, but not much else.
8. Cure 5 Recovers HP-----My opinion: Saves you potions and tonics.
9. Cure2 25 Recovers HP-----My opinion: Again, very handy.
10. Cure3 40 Recovers HP-----My opinion: Also handy. Powerful and by then, 40 MP won't mean nothing.
1. Demi 33 Cuts enemies HP in half-----My opinion: Sucks. I never use it.
12. Dispel 25 Maintains poor status-----My opinion: I have no idea what this spell does and I really don't care. It sucks.
13. Doom 35 Kills on sight-----My opinion: If it works, then use it. If you cast it on the undead, It'll heal them. And castit on someone wearing the Relic Ring and It'll restore all their HP. Overall, very handy.
14. Drain 15 Takes some of Enemies HP and gives it to you.-----My opinion: Sucks. Don't give you enough HP for it's casting cost.
15. Fire 4 Fire-Elemental Attack-----My opinion: Handy early on (It's the only spell Terra Knows in the Beginning)
16. Fire2 20 Fire-Elemental Attack-----My opinion: Also handy.
17 Fire3 51 Fire-Elemental Attack-----My opinion: Works great on ice-elemental enemies.
18. Flare 45 Barrier Piercing attack-----My opinion: Handy until you get Ultima.
19. Float 17 Makes target Float-----My opinion: a must have against Earth Elemental attackers.
20. Haste 10 Speeds up target's meter-----My opinion: Handy against bosses
21. Haste2 38 Casts Haste on entire Party-----My opinion: Also handy against bosses.
22. Ice 5 Ice-Elemental Attack-----My opinion: Same as Fire and Bolt. Handy, but you can get better.
23. Ice2 21 Ice-Elemental Attack-----My opinion: Better that Ice. Many uses.
24. Ice3 52 Ice-Elemental Attack-----My opinion: Learn this one before you try to tackle the Phoenix Cave.
25. Imp 10 Changes to/from Imp-----My opinion: Crappy. Use only to heal members that have been turned into Imps.
26. Life 30 Restores Life-----My opinion: Fenix Down works just as well. Kills the Undead instantly.
27. Life2 60 Restores Life and HP-----My opinion: A must have.
28. Life3 50 Protects from Fatal-Attack-----My opinion: Another must have. Will keep you going in a long battle.
29. Merton 85 Unfocused Piercing Fire Damage-----My opinion: Would be good, but it hurts you too. Don't use it.
30. Meteor 62 Damages Multiple Enemies-----My opinion: Very Handy. Only thing better is Ultima.
31. Muddle 8 Confuses Target-----My opinion: Ok. There are better spells, but this one will get you free hits on the enemy. Don't cast it on certin enemies because they could use a spell that hurts you as well as them.
32. Mute 8 Silences Target (Unable to cast spells)-----My opinion: Not too useful. Use it on weak spell-casting enemies.
33. Osmone 1 Drain's MP from an enemy and gives it to you-----My opinion: Don't use it on the undead. Saves you on Ether.
34. Pearl 40 Pearl-Elemental Attack-----My opinion: Handy against the undead. Works fairly well on others.
35. Poison 3 Poisons an enemy-----My opinion: Not that useful. I rarely use Poison.
36. Quake 50 Unfocused Earth-Elemental attack-----My opinion: Handy if your party is floating, but otherwise useless.
37. Quartr 48 Cuts enemy's HP by 3 quarters-----My opinion: Same as Demi. Useless.
38. Quick 99 (!) Allows Double Commands-----My opinion: Sucks. 99 MP?! Are they nuts?
39. Rasp 12 Damages MP-----My opinion: Great against Spellcasters. A must have.
40. Rflect 22 Magic Barrier-----My opinion: Good, but you'd do beter with Wall Rings.
41. Regen 10 Regeneration-----My opinion: Very Handy for long battles. Make sure to get this.
42. Remedy 15 Cures Status Ailments.-----My opinion: It works. You'll need this eventually.
43. Safe 12 Raises Defense-----My opinion: Another good one for long battles. Use with Shell for max. effect.
44. Scan 3 Displays Enemy's Weak Point/ HP left.-----My opinion: Very handy for Finding weak spots. Use against enemies you never faced before.
45. Shell 15 Raises Magic defense-----My opinion: Handy for long battles. Use with Safe for max. effect.
46. Sleep 5 Puts enemy to Sleep-----My opinion: Slow and Stop are way better.
47. Slow 5 Slows meter of target-----My opinion: Handy If you cast Haste on yourself first.
48. Slow2 26 Slows all enemies-----My opinion: Also handy. Saves you some battle chances.
49. Stop 10 Stops Target-----My opinion: Way better than Sleep. Use on active enemies
50. Ultima 80 Damages all enemies-----My opinion: 2 words describe this: Nuclear Missle. This spell is a MUST-HAVE! Will end all combats in a few rounds. Better that all other spells and also unavoidable.
51. Vanish 18 Makes Target Invisable-----My opinion: Get it. there are many dirty tricks you can do with this spell.
52. Warp 20 Teleports you out of an area or out of combat-----My opinion: Must Have. Gets you out of battles you wish you haven't fought.
53. W Wind 75 Unfocused Tornado-----My opinion: Sucks. Will kill enemies and kill you at the same time.
54. XZone 53 Send enemy to the Twilight Zone-----wMy opinion: Very useful. Cast before a battle and try to get as many enemies as you can.Dirty Spell Tricks:.Cast Vanish on an enemy and cast X-Zone to win battles quickly..On the same note, cast vanish before a spell so that it will hit it's target with accuracy..If the enemy is using Reflect, cast a spell on your own party members that are also usingreflect. Works wonders.. When you are given the choice to turn Ragnarok into a sword, don't take it. Leave it as an Esper so you can learn Ultima.Tools:
1. Auto Crossbow Hits multiple Targets Good early on. Better to use that normal weapons.
2. Bio-Blaster Poisons Multiple Targets Good on human Opponents.
3. Noise Blaster Confuses Multiple Enemies Good on a large group of enemies.
4. Drill Damages Very powerful. Useful on bosses.
5. Chain Saw Damages, Randomly Kills Better than the drill on non-bosses.
6. Air Anchor Self-Destructs an enemy Very useful against non-bosses.
7. Flash Blinds Enemies Replaces Crossbow and Bio-Blaster.
8. Debilitator Casts a weak point on target Handy against enemies that don't have a weak point you can hit.
Tool Tricks:. Get the Chain Saw in Zozo by setting the clock: 6:10:50.. Get the Air Anchor in the Cult of Kefka Tower by stepping to the right of thetreasure chest in the first room and pressing A. Then go down a floor to a hidden door to claim the air anchor.
Finished.Completed 8/16/97 by Dmanx