FFFF000000060002000177AA000000000067000000002000110000001-7EFF6EBE0480048026D20-105BA026D21FFFFFF4010261A000010000003A00000001061A4084026D21FF61A048E0006C226D2200002000006200000000061A, Final Fantasy IV Character Statistics ------------------------------------- Cecil Harvey Age: 20 Height: 178 cm Weight: 58 kg Right-handed Birthplace: Unknown Kain Highwind Age: 21 Height: 183 cm Weight: 61 kg Left-handed Birthplace: Baron Rosa Farrell Age: 19 Height: 162 cm Weight: 47 kg Right-handed Birthplace: Baron Gilbart Chris von Muir (a.k.a. Edward in FFII U.S.) Age: 24 Height: 174 cm Weight: 51 kg Right-handed Birthplace: Damcyan Yang Fang Leiden Age: 35 Height: 182 cm Weight: 76 kg Ambidextrous Birthplace: Fabul Cid Pollendina Age: 54 Height: 159 cm Weight: 67 kg Right-handed Birthplace: Baron Edge "Edward Geraldine" Age: 26 Height: 175 cm Weight: 51 kg Ambidextrous Birthplace: Eblana Tellah Age: 60 Height: 177 cm Weight: 48 kg Right-handed Birthplace: Mysidia Rydia of Mist Age: 7 Height: 107 cm Weight: 18 kg Right-handed Birthplace: Mist Palom of Mysidia Age: 5 Height: 94 cm Weight: 22 kg Left-handed Birthplace: Mysidia Porom of Mysidia Age: 5 Height: 93 cm Weight: 19 kg Right-handed Birthplace: Mysidia ----- Notes: In all cases except Kain's and Tellah's, I used the romanization printed, even if it differed somewhat from the kana. Respective ages given are those at the start of the game (obviously Rydia's changes drastically, later). No joke on any of these, I'm afraid. It's a couple days late for April Fool's, after all. ;) Compiled by Jennifer Mukai (nocturne@ucla.edu) Source: Final Fantasy IV "settei shiryouhen" (foundation data compilation) book 00040000000D000000030161C100050000000A00000002061C0000600000062000000020C310FFFF0C00000 20 10C310FFFF0C00000 10 0007000000180000000102018000080000012D0000000240,Geneva40,4030 1040,Monaco40,4040 100009000000170000000221181FF21181FF000A000000210000000227FFFFFFF1FF27FFFFFFF1FF000B00000005000000020000C000000100000000161A06C0000F000000200000000050 10 00130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF001280000000B0000000161C001290000000B0000000161C0