A few weapons have special effects, which are indicated by a * and a
number. Check the bottom of the list to see what these effects are.
Fatal Pick 0 ??? SA Cursed, *10
Egg Sword 0 65000 MGSA Hardboiled
Frypan 4 10 TS
Knife 5 13 TS
Small Knife 8 20 MTGSDLA
Rapier 10 100 MSA
Battle Knife 14 200 MTGSD Thunder Blast
Whip 20 300 TS Flame Attack
Insect Crush 21 650 MGDA GUT+2, *1 Bomb Attack
Dagger 22 400 MGDL
Mace 30 600 TS
Light Knife 32 1000 MTGSDLA MGR+10 Light Attack
Long Knife 38 800 MTGSDLA
Rage Knife 40 6 MTGSDLA Bomb Attack
Short Sword 42 900 MGSDLA Ice Attack
Wire 48 1200 TS Water Attack
SuhrCustom11 50 ??? MGSDLA
Kukri 52 1500 MGD Thunder Blast
Fire Dagger 56 6000 MGDL STR+4,DEF+6 Blaze Attack
Rod 58 1800 TSA
Chain 66 2200 TS Dive Bomber
Gladius 69 2400 MGD Holy Energy
Franshiska 70 2600 GD
Aqua Whip 72 3800 TS DEF+5,MGR+10 Aqua Attack
Cold Rapier 76 4200 MS DEF+2,AGL+10,GUT+2 Glacial Blast
Staff 78 3600 TSA
Multi Sword 86 9450 MGD 2 attacks Bomb Attack
Scimitar 90 4400 MSA Ice Attack
Bronze Sword 98 5000 MGD Water Attack
Deadly Sword 0 ??? MGD Cursed
Deadly Sword 100 100 M After uncursing
Sleep Rod 100 ??? SA *4 Sleep Stinger
Long Staff 102 6200 SA
Hand Ax 104 6000 GS Bomb Attack
Thunder Ax 108 6000 GD STR+8,DEF+4 Thunderball
Deadly Rod 0 ??? SA Cursed
Deadly Rod 110 ??? SA After uncursing, *10 Devastation
War Rapier 114 7600 MS Thunder Blast
Long Sword 120 8000 MGD
Cutter Whip 132 9100 S Dive Bomber
Vice Pliers 140 6000 L
Launcher 150 13000 L *6 Swoop
Bronze Ax 162 9700 G Bomb Attack
Rockbreaker 164 9850 M Thunder Blast
Flying Ax 170 9900 G *2 Deadly Smash
Morning Star 172 10000 SA
Burn Sword 180 15000 MGS Firestorm
Coma Hit 180 8000 L *4, *6 Sleep Stinger
Freeze Bow 180 37600 A *9 Glacial Blast
Dekar Blade 188 15000 D Fatal Blow
Broadsword 188 11000 MG
Superdriver 190 12000 L Bomb Attack
Estok 192 11500 MSA Flame Attack
Figgoru 195 9500 L *5, *6 Confusion
Silvo Rapier 218 13200 MS Holy Energy
Royal Whip 220 13000 S Ice Attack
Spear 222 13500 G Dive Bomber
Pounder Rod 240 15500 SA
Stun Gun 240 14500 L *7 Stun Shocker
Battledriver 253 18200 L
Fortune Whip 260 250 S
Rainy Ax 260 18500 G Bomb Attack
Aqua Sword 260 20000 SA MGR+12 Torrent
Crazy Blade 263 19700 MSA Dive Bomber
Trident 268 20900 G Water Attack
Crystal Wand 280 24000 S Holy Energy
Red Saber 282 21400 M Blaze Attack
Mist Rapier 283 25100 MSA Aqua Attack
Halberd 285 23500 G Thunder Blast
Cursed Bow 0 50000 A Cursed, *8
Artea's Bow 300 30000 A *6 Mirror Block
Silver Sword 314 29000 M Holy Energy
Silver Rod 320 35000 SA Celestial
Super Sword 320 30000 S GUT+10,MGR+10 Holy Energy
Heavy Lance 330 31800 G Bomb Attack
Buster Sword 355 45500 M Bomb Attack
Zirco Rod 360 48000 SA
Lizard Blow 360 50000 MGSA MGR+20, *3 Dragon Rush
Rune Rapier 362 49300 A Bomb Attack
Great Ax 365 47500 G
Zirco Whip 384 52000 S Thundershriek
Zirco Sword 386 51000 M Firestorm
Zirco Flail 390 52000 G Arctic Freeze
Zirco Ax 394 52500 G Torrent
Mega Ax 400 55000 G DEF+20 Thundershriek
Sky Sword 400 65000 MG STR+50,DEF+25 Skysplitter
Dual Blade 400 -- M Wave Motion
Blaze Sword 400 55000 S INT+20,MGR+20 Celestial
Dragon Blade 450 2500 MG *3 Dragonfire
Bunnysword 500 300 SA *11 Battle Fury
1. The Insect Crush does extra damage to insects.
2. The Flying Ax does extra damage to flying enemies.
3. Does extra damage to dragons.
4. Randomly puts enemies to sleep.
5. The Figgoru randomly confuses enemies.
6. Attacks all enemies.
7. The Stun Gun randomly paralyzes enemies.
8. The Cursed Bow hits one of your characters instead of the enemy.
9. The Freeze Bow can attack one or all enemies.
10. Randomly kills enemies instantly
11. The Bunny Sword says it has 500 attack power, but it doesn't really.
Seethru Cape 1 50 TS Miracle
Apron 4 60 TS
Dress 5 90 TS
Cloth 6 140 MTGSDLA
Lab-coat 7 180 L Power Healing
Hide Armor 9 250 MTGSDLA
Seethru Silk 9 50 S Regeneration
Bunnysuit 10 300 SA Magic Rebirth
Frock 11 400 TS Healing
Robe 13 450 TS
Coat 15 700 TS Re-energize
Cloth Armor 17 600 MGD Antidote
Tough Hide 19 800 MGD Re-energize
Light Dress 20 1000 TS Re-energize
Light Armor 25 1200 MGD Free Magic
Baggy 26 1600 TS
Camu Armor 33 1500 GD STR+5 Divine Cure
Tight Dress 33 2850 TS Reawaken
Chainmail 35 3000 MGDLA
Holy Wings 36 3200 TS STR+5 Holy Healing
Ironmail 39 3500 GD Paralysis Cure
Toga 40 3600 TS
Long Robe 40 5000 S Power Healing
Chain Armor 47 4500 MGD
Thick Cloth 48 4700 GD Paralysis Cure
Stone Plate 49 4850 D Reviver
Plated Cloth 54 5800 MGDLA
Iron Plate 59 5950 GD Reviver
Magic Bikini 60 10000 S Magic Cure
Silk Toga 64 6300 S Power Healing
Metal Armor 64 9300 G Paralysis Cure
Silver Armor 66 7200 MG Magic Cure
Metal Mail 68 6250 D Sacred Song
Light Jacket 68 7600 G
Evening Gown 68 11100 S Sacred Song
Power Cape 72 10000 S
Quilted Silk 72 9200 S Reviver
Metal Coat 75 7750 S Magic Cure
Silver Mail 76 8700 MGLA Magic Cure
Power Jacket 78 9000 G
Plate Armor 84 11300 MG
Silver Robe 84 11000 SA Revival Sleep
Crystal Mail 86 14500 G Sudden Cure
Revive Armor 90 14000 MGSA MGR+5 Revival Sleep
Silk Robe 91 12700 S
Plati Plate 92 12000 MG Divine Cure
Crystal Robe 92 15000 S Rejuvenation
Heal Armor 100 18000 MG Rebirth
Ghostclothes 100 35000 MGSA Rejuvenation
Metal Jacket 106 20000 G
Eron Dress 110 22000 S Recovery
Power Robe 110 30000 SA Sacred Song
Full Mail 110 40000 G
Magic Scale 110 30000 MSA STR+10,AGL+10,MGR+10 Magic Healing
Bright Armor 120 24000 MGSA MGR+20 Sudden Cure
Mirak Plate 120 55000 MGD Magic Rebirth
Royal Dress 122 38000 S Rejuvenation
Holy Robe 124 32000 SA MGR+40 Crisis Cure
Pearl Armor 140 60000 M Phoenix
Zircon Plate 142 51200 SA Sudden Cure
Zircon Armor 150 54000 MG Magic Cure
Chop Board 1 30 TS
Small Shield 2 100 MTGSDLA
Bunnylady 2 200 SA Beserker
Hide Shield 5 400 MGD
Buckler 8 600 MGD
Mini Shield 10 800 TSLA Battle Lust
Power Brace 10 2000 MTSDL INT+5 Spell Repel
Bracelet 14 1400 TS Ironclad
Wood Shield 15 1200 MGDLA
Pearl Brace 16 5000 TS INT+10 Lightbulb
Tough Gloves 18 2600 MTGSDLA
Kite Shield 20 2200 MGD Fleet
Block Shield 22 4200 TS Ironclad
Tecto Gloves 23 4300 S Lightbulb
Brone Shield 28 3600 MGD Spell Repel
Anger Brace 31 4000 MTGSD STR+5,GUT+10 Battle Lust
Round Shield 34 4600 MGD
Big Shield 37 5900 MGD
Tall Shield 39 6000 D Beserker
Fayza Shield 41 5000 MGDSA AGL+5 Fleet
Silvo Shield 42 6900 M MGR+5 Aura Protect
Spike Shield 44 7500 MG ATK+15
Slash Shield 45 7500 SLA ATK+5 Battle Lust
Tuff Buckler 48 8200 MG
Tect Buckler 55 8500 MGSL Quicksilver
Gold Shield 56 8800 MG Flame Guard
Gold Gloves 57 8600 SA Flame Guard
Plati Gloves 61 10600 SLA Thunder Guard
Plati Shield 63 11400 MG Ice Guard
Gauntlet 68 13200 MGSA Power Guard
Rune Gloves 72 18800 A MGR+13 Shadow Guard
Zirco Gloves 72 32300 SA MGR+14 Forcefield
Water Gaunt 75 35000 SA AGL+10,MGR+10 Water Screen
Holy Shield 76 26300 MG MGR+15 Light Guard
Zirco Shield 82 34400 MG MGR+8 Beserker
Old Shield 83 35000 GA AGL+10 Ancient Power
Bolt Shield 85 37000 G STR+10 Thunderblock
Mega Shield 88 38000 G Iron Barrier
Pearl Shield 90 40000 M Miracle Care
Pot 1 30 TS
Beret 2 150 TS Sluggish
Cap 2 240 MTGSDLA
Cloth Helmet 4 400 MGDLA
Hairband 6 400 TS MGR+2
Headband 9 600 TS MGR+2 Forgetful
Jet Helm 9 800 MGDLA AGL+4 Sluggish
Bunny Ears 12 200 SA Swordsplitter
Hide Helmet 13 800 MGDLA
Red Beret 15 1000 TSLA Spellstruck
Glass Cap 16 1300 TSLA
Wood Helmet 18 1400 MGD
Jute Helmet 18 6000 MGD MGR+8 Spellstruck
Blue Beret 20 2300 TSLA
Brone Helmet 22 2500 MGD Menace
Fury Helmet 22 3000 MGD ATK+8,GUT+10 Menace
Stone Helmet 23 2900 GD Weakpoint
Cloche 25 3000 TSLA
Iron Helmet 28 3600 MGD Slow
Turban 31 4100 SLA Dimwit
Tight Helmet 32 3800 D
Plate Cap 33 4500 MGD
Roomy Helmet 34 4800 MGD
Tight Turban 36 5000 SLA Vulnerable
Rock Helmet 38 5700 D Weaponweak
Plate Helmet 38 5500 MGD
Metal Cloche 40 6300 LA
Glass Cloche 42 5200 SA
SilverHelmet 43 6800 MG MGR+5 Slow
Shade Hat 46 6200 SLA
Silver Hat 47 8500 M MGR+12 Dimwit
Eron Hat 49 8800 G Meltdown
Golden Helm 49 9200 MG Slow
Fury Ribbon 50 8000 S GUT+10 Weakpoint
Circlet 50 9000 SL MGR+18
Gold Band 54 9400 SA Dimwit
Plati Helm 58 10800 MG Vulnerable
Plati Band 58 10400 SLA Weaponweak
Crysto Beret 63 14600 SA MGR+29
Crysto Helm 64 15200 MG MGR+29 Weakpoint
Holy Cap 68 18600 SA MGR+23 Vulnerable
Zirco Band 74 33200 SA Dimwit
Zirco Helmet 76 34000 MG Slow
Ice Hairband 80 37000 S MGR+10 Ice Mirror
Old Helmet 85 35000 G STR+10 Anger Mirror
Aqua Helm 85 37000 SA AGL+10 Aqua Mirror
Legend Helm 87 37000 MG Boomerang
Pearl Helmet 90 40000 M Brilliance
Speedy Ring 2000 MTGSDLA DEF+5, AGI+10 Fake
Ear Jewel 500 TS GUT+2
Glass Ring 1000 TS GUT+2,INT+2 Confuse
Glass Brace 800 TS DEF+1,AGI+2,INT+2,GUT+2
Undead Ring 13000 MTGSDLA MGR+25 Perish
Muscle Ring 3000 MTGSDLA ATK+20 Bravery
Thunder Ring 3000 MTGSDLA STR+10,DEF+5,*1 Bolt
Protect Ring 3000 MTGSDLA DEF+20 Courage
Mystery Ring 5000 MTGSDLA ATK+10,DEF+10 Mirror
Fire Ring 3000 MTGSDLA ATK+10,*2 Fireball
Water Ring 3000 MTSGDLA DEF+10,*3 Vortex
Ice Ring 3000 MTSGDLA DEF+5,AGL+10,*4 Blizzard
Fury Ring 4000 S GUT+20 Dread
Witch Ring 3000 TS INT+20,MGR+20 Deflect
Power Ring 3000 MTGSDLA STR+20,DEF+10 Trick
Bunny Ring 100 SA DEF+5 Thunder
Rocket Ring 14000 MTGSDLA DEF+20,AGL+40 Fake
Ghost Ring 20000 MTGSDLA MGR+50 Destroy
Sonic Ring 6000 MTGSDLA DEF+10,AGL+20 Fake
S-pro Ring 12000 MTGSDLA DEF+40 Courage
Hipower Ring 6000 MTGSDLA STR+40,DEF+40 Trick
S-witch Ring 13000 S INT+20,MGR+40 Deflect
Angry Ring 25000 MTGSDLA GUT+40 Dread
S-mind Ring 11000 MTGSDLA INT+40 Champion
S-power Ring 9000 MTGSDLA ATK+40 Bravery
S-myst Ring 26000 MTGSDLA ATK+20,DEF+20 Mirror
S-ice Ring 8000 MTGSDLA DEF+10,AGL+20,*4 Ice Valk
S-water Ring 8000 MTGSDLA DEF+20,*3 Dragon
S-thun Ring 8000 MTGSDLA DEF+10,STR+20,*1 Thunder
S-fire Ring 8000 MTGSDLA ATK+20,*2 Firebird
Mind Ring 3000 MTGSDLA INT+20 Stronger
Egg Ring 65000 MTGSDLA *5
1. Increases power of Thunder magic.
2. Increases power of Fire magic.
3. Increases power of Water magic.
4. Increases power of Ice magic.
5. The Egg Ring raises all your stats to 999, except Guts goes to 199.
Horse Rock 5000 MTGSDLA STR+10,DEF+5 Frenzy
Eagle Rock 5000 MTGSDLA ATK+5,DEF+8,AGL+15 Dive
Bat Rock 18000 MTGSDLA ATK+10,DEF+2,AGL+5 Vampire
Water Jewel 20000 MTGSDLA DEF+10,INT+20 Frost
Pumkin Jewel 10000 MTGSDLA INT+10,MGR+20 Head Attack
Bee Rock 8000 MTGSDLA DEF+10,AGL+20 Immobilize
Lion Fang 8000 MTGSDLA DEF+12,STR+15,AGL+10 Bite
Snake Rock 8000 MTGSDLA STR+10,DEF+5,GUT+10 Tail Attack
Cancer Rock 8000 MTGSDLA DEF+20 Scissor Slash
Flame Jewel 20000 MTGSDLA ATK+10,INT+10,MGR+5 Incendiary
Mysto Jewel 15000 MTGSDLA ATK+20,DEF+10,AGL+2 Ninja
Samu Jewel 15000 MTGSDLA ATK+20,DEF+20 Samurai
Earth Jewel 20000 MTGSDLA DEF+20,MGR+20 Groundshock
Evil Jewel ??? MTGSDLA ATK+120,Cursed Perish
Evil Jewel 25000 MTGSDLA ATK+80 (after uncursing) Gloomy
Hidora Rock 18000 MTGSDLA ATK+20,DEF+10,AGL+20,MGR+10 Triple Attack
Song Rock 28000 S DEF+10,GUT+10 Do-re-mi
Gorgon Rock 28000 MTGSDLA ATK+25,DEF+25 Ax Attack
Kraken Rock 28000 MTGSDLA ATK+30,DEF+20,MGR+10 Ten-legger
Spido Jewel 40000 MTGSDLA ATK+10,GUT+20 Spiderweb
Thundo Jewel 20000 MTGSDLA ATK+20,DEF+5,STR+10,INT+10 Voltage Bolt
Camu Jewel 40000 MTGSDLA ATK+20,INT+20,MGR+20 Buster Attack
Magma Rock 20000 MTGSDLA STR+20,DEF+30,GUT+10 Magma Blast
Twist Jewel 10000 MTGSDLA DEF+35,AGL+30 Twister
IP Attacks
IP abilities which are the same as normal spells are not listed.
Ancient Power -- Halves damage taken by user
Anger Mirror -- Returns attacks to enemy
Antidote -- Cures party of poisoning
Aqua Attack -- 300% damage, damages enemies weak against water
Aqua Mirror -- Returns water attacks to enemy
Arctic Freeze -- Damages all enemies, damages enemies weak against ice
Aura Protect -- Raises party magic resistance
Ax Attack -- Lowers enemy HP by 1/8
Battle Fury -- Lowers enemy HP by 1/4
Battle Lust -- Raises attack
Beserker -- Raises party attack
Bite -- 200% damage
Blaze Attack -- 300% damage, damages enemies weak against fire
Bomb Attack -- Attack all enemies
Boomerang -- Returns attacks to enemy at half strength
Brilliance -- Returns attack to enemy at double strength
Buster Attack -- Fire attack on all enemies
Celestial -- Damages all enemies, damages enemies weak against light
Confusion -- Damages and confuses enemies
Crisis Cure -- Heals party by user's max HP
Deadly Smash -- 300% dmaage, damages flying enemies
Deflect -- Protects against spells
Devastation -- Lowers enemy HP by 1/8
Dimwit -- Lowers intelligence of all enemies
Dive -- 200% damage, damages flying enemies
Dive Bomb -- 150% damage, damages flying enemies
Divine Cure -- Heals party by 25% of user's max HP
Do-re-mi -- Confuse all enemies
Dragonfire -- Damages all enemies, damages dragons
Dragon Rush -- 300% damage, damages dragons
Dread -- Lowers enemy's defense
Fake -- Raises agility
Fatal Blow -- Halves enemy HP
Firestorm -- Damages all enemies, damages enemies weak against fire
Flame Attack -- 150% damage, damages enemies weak against fire
Flame Guard -- Reduces fire damage for user
Fleet -- Raises agility
Forcefield -- Raises party defense
Forgetful -- Lowers enemy intelligence
Free Magic -- Unfreezes party (?)
Frenzy -- 150% damage
Frost -- Ice attack on all enemies
Glacial Blast -- 300% damage, damages enemies weak against ice
Gloomy -- Damages all enemies
Groundshock -- Damages all enemies
Hardboiled -- Lowers enemy's stats, may kill instantly
Head Attack -- 200% damage, damages armored enemies
Healing -- Restores HP
Holy Energy -- 300% damage, damages enemies weak against light
Holy Healing -- Heals party by 75% of user's max HP
Ice Attack -- 150% damage, damages enemies weak against ice
Ice Guard -- Reduces ice damage for user
Ice Mirror -- Returns ice attacks to enemy
Immobilize -- Damages and paralyzes enemies
Incendiary -- Fire attack on all enemies
Iron Barrier -- Makes user immune to physical attacks
Ironclad -- Raises defense
Light Attack -- 150% damage, damages enemies weak against light
Light Guard -- Reduces damage from light attacks for user
Lightbulb -- Raises intelligence
Magic Cure -- Restores 25% of max MP
Magic Healing -- Restores 50% of max MP
Magic Rebirth -- Restores all MP
Magma Blast -- Fire attack on all enemies
Meltdown -- Lowers enemy attack by 1/6
Menace -- Lowers enemy attack by 1/8
Miracle -- Restores HP and MP completely, revives
Miracle Care -- Makes user temporarily invincible
Mirror Block -- Keeps spells from being mirrored onto user
Ninja -- Kills an enemy
Paralysis Cure -- Cures party of paralysis
Phoenix -- Revives party and restores HP and MP completely
Power Guard -- Reduces physical damage for user
Power Healing -- Restores HP
Quicksilver -- Raises party's agility
Reawaken -- Cures party of sleep
Rebirth -- Recovers HP completely
Recovery -- Heals user completely
Re-energize -- Restores 50% of max HP
Regeneration -- Revives party and restores HP
Rejuvenation -- Revives party with 50% HP
Revival Sleep -- Heals party completely
Reviver -- Revives character with 50% HP
Sacred Song -- Restores HP completely
Scissor Slash -- Attack enemy twice
Shadow Guard -- Reduces darkness damage for user
Skysplitter -- Attack all enemies, damages enemies weak against thunder, then
casts Thunder spell
Sleep Stinger -- Damages an enemy and puts it to sleep
Slow -- Lowers speed of all enemies
Sluggish -- Lowers enemy speed
Spell Repel -- Increases magic resistance
Spellstruck -- Lowers enemy magic resistance
Spiderweb -- Paralyzes enemy
Stun Shocker -- Damages and paralyzes an enemy
Sudden Cure -- Heals party by 50% of user's max HP
Swoop -- Damages all enemies, damages flying enemies
Swordsplitter -- Reduces enemy attack by 1/4
Tail Attack -- Attack all enemies, damages armored enemies
Ten-legger -- Water attack on all enemies
Thunderball -- 300% damage, damages enemies weak against thunder
Thunder Blast -- 150% damage, damages enemies weak against thunder
Thunderblock -- Makes user immune to thunder attacks
Thunder Guard -- Reduces thunder damage for user
Thundershriek -- Damages all enemies, damages enemies weak against thunder
Torrent -- Damages all enemies, damages enemies weak against water
Triple Attack -- Attack enemy three times
Vampire -- Steals enemy MP
Voltage Bolt -- Thunder attack on all enemies
Vulnerable -- Lowers magic resistance of all enemies
Water Screen -- Makes user immune to water attacks
Wave Motion -- Restores HP and MP completely, increases stats
Weakpoint -- Lowers enemy defense by 1/8
Weaponweak -- Lowers enemy attack by 1/8