
Inn -- Free
Items -- Potion, Antidote, Warp, Escape, Boomerang
Weapons -- Frypan, Knife, Small Knife, Rapier
Armor -- Apron, Dress, Cloth, Pot, Chop Board, Small Shield
Spells -- Strong, Spark, Poison

Inn -- 10 gold
Items -- Potion, Antidote, Awake, Shriek, Warp, Escape, Boomerang
Weapons -- Rapier, Battle Knife, Dagger, Whip
Armor -- Dress, Cloth, Hide Armor, Frock, Beret, Cap, Headband, Small Shield
Spells -- Strong, Spark, Droplet, Poison, Drowsy
Tavern -- Green Tea, Pear Cider, Sour Cider, Lime Cider, Plum Cider, Apple

Inn -- 20 gold
Items -- Potion, Antidote, Hi-Potion, Awake, Shriek, Mystery Pin, Warp,
Escape, Boomerang
Weapons -- Mace, Long Knife, Short Sword
Armor -- Frock, Robe, Cloth Armor, Headband, Cloth Helmet, Buckler, Mini
Casino Store -- Flame Charm (400 coins), Statue (200 coins), Zap Charm (400
coins), Rage Knife (1000 coins), Seethru Cape (10000 coins)

Inn -- Free
Weapons -- Long Knife, Wire, Short Sword, Kukri
Armor -- Tough Hide, Light Dress, Light Armor, Hide Helmet, Wood Shield,
Spells -- Spark, Droplet, Gale, Flash, Strong, Poison, Drowsy, Confuse
Items -- Hi-Potion, Awake, Shriek, Mystery Pin, Warp, Escape, Magic Guard,
Big Boomer

Inn -- 20 gold
Weapons -- Kukri, Rod
Armor -- Light Armor, Baggy, Red Beret, Wood Helmet, Wood Shield, Bracelet
Items -- Hi-Potion, Awake, Shriek, Mystery Pin, Warp, Escape, Power Gourd,
Big Boomer
Spells -- Spark, Flash, Droplet, Gale, Strong, Bravery, Release, Escape
Jaffy's Shop -- Ear Jewel, Glass Ring, Glass Brace

Inn -- 50 gold
Weapons -- Chain, Franshiska
Armor -- Chainmail, Tight Dress, Ironmail, Glass Cap, Blue Beret, Brone
Helmet, Stone Helmet, Kite Shield, Tough Gloves
Items -- Hi-Potion, Regain, Awake, Shriek, Mystery Pin, Warp, Escape, Mind
Gourd, Big Boomer

Inn -- 20 gold

Inn -- 20 gold
Items -- Hi-Potion, Warp, Escape, Big Boomer
Weapons -- Gladius
Armor -- Toga, Cloche
Spells -- Fireball, Fake, Trick, Escape, Warp

Inn -- 30 gold
Weapons -- Staff, Scimitar, Bronze Sword
Armor -- Chain Armor, Thick Cloth, Stone Plate, Iron Helmet, Tight Helmet,
Round Shield
Items -- Hi-Potion, Regain, Warp, Escape, Ice Ball, Fire Ball, Big Boomer

Inn -- 10 gold
Items -- Hi-Potion, Regain, Warp, Escape, Ice Ball, Fire Ball, Big Boomer
Weapons -- Hand Ax, Long Staff
Armor -- Thick Cloth, Stone Plate, Long Robe, Turban, Plate Cap, Round
Shield, Tecto Gloves
Spells -- Vortex, Blizzard, Stronger, Warp, Rally
Tavern -- Pear Cider, Sour Cider, Lime Cider, Plum Cider, Apple Cider

Inn -- 20 gold
Items -- Hi-Potion, Regain, Warp, Escape, Confuse Ball, Sleep Ball, Big
Weapons -- War Rapier, Long Sword
Armor -- Long Robe, Plated Cloth, Turban, Plate Cap, Roomy Helmet, Round
Shield, Tecto Gloves, Big Shield

Inn -- 40 gold
Items -- Hi-Potion, Regain, Warp, Escape, Ice Ball, Fire Ball, Big Boomer
Weapons -- War Rapier, Long Sword
Armor -- Long Robe, Plated Cloth, Turban, Plate Cap, Roomy Helmet, Round
Shield, Tecto Gloves, Big Shield

Inn -- 20 gold
Items -- Hi-Potion, Regain, Warp, Escape, Magic Guard, Power Gourd, Mind
Gourd, Big Boomer
Weapons -- Cutter Whip, Multi Sword
Armor -- Iron Plate, Metal Mail, Tight Turban, Rock Helmet, Plate Helmet,
Tall Shield, Silvo Shield
Spells -- Bolt, Fireball, Vortex, Blizzard, Stronger, Perish, Absorb, Weaken

Inn -- 50 gold
Weapons -- Rockbreaker, Bronze Ax, Morning Star, Vice Pliers
Armor -- Silver Armor, Silk Toga, Light Jacket, Plated Cloth, Iron Plate,
Glass Cloche, Metal Cloche, SilverHelmet, Spike Shield, Slash Shield
Items -- Hi-Potion, Regain, Warp, Escape, Magic Guard, Power Gourd, Mind
Gourd, Big Boomer
Tavern -- Pear Cider, Sour Cider, Lime Cider, Plum Cider, Apple Cider

Inn -- 20 gold
Weapons -- Rockbreaker, Bronze Ax, Morning Star, Vice Pliers, Coma Hit
Armor -- Silver Armor, Silk Toga, Light Jacket, Plated Cloth, Iron Plate,
Glass Cloche, Metal Cloche, SilverHelmet, Spike Shield, Slash Shield
Items -- Potion, Hi-Potion, Ex-Potion, Antidote, Warp, Escape, Regain, Awake,
Shriek, Mystery Pin, Magic Guard, Boomerang, Big Boomer, Ice Ball,
Fire Ball, Confuse Ball, Sleep Ball, Power Gourd, Mind Gourd
Tavern -- Pear Cider, Sour Cider, Lime Cider, Plum Cider, Apple Cider
Casino Store -- Statue (200 coins), Magic Lamp (15000 coins), Jewel Sonar
(20000 coins), Fortune Whip (50000 coins), Dragon Blade
(500000 coins), Seethru Silk (10000 coins), Bunnysuit (60000
coins), Bunny Ears (40000 coins), Bunnylady (40000 coins),
Bunny Sword (60000 coins), Bunny Ring (20000 coins)
Pawn Shop -- Anything you've ever sold! (or fed)

Inn -- 40 gold
Items -- Hi-Potion, Regain, Magic Guard, Power Gourd, Mind Gourd, Big Boomer
Weapons -- Broadsword, Estok, Superdriver
Spells -- Shield, Courage, Mirror, Coma
Armor -- Metal Coat, Silver Mail, Power Jacket, Shade Hat, Silver Hat, Tuff

Inn -- 30 gold, free after signing ceremony
Weapons -- Broadsword, Estok, Superdriver
Armor -- Metal Coat, Silver Mail, Power Jacket, Shade Hat, Silver Hat, Tuff
Items -- Hi-Potion, Regain, Magic Guard, Power Gourd, Mind Gourd, Big Boomer

Inn -- 40 gold
Items -- Ex-Potion, Magic Guard, Power Gourd, Mind Gourd, Big Boomer
Weapons -- Royal Whip, Spear, Silvo Rapier
Armor -- Quilted Silk, Eron Hat, Tuff Buckler
Spells -- Champion, Firebird, Ice Valk

Inn -- 20 gold
Weapons -- Royal Whip, Spear, Silvo Rapier, Pounder Rod
Armor -- Quilted Silk, Eron Hat, Circlet, Tuff Buckler
Items -- Ex-Potion, Confuse Ball, Ice Ball, Fire Ball, Sleep Ball, Terror
Ball, Smoke Ball, Freeze Ball, Big Boomer

Inn -- 5 gold

Inn -- 30 gold
Items -- Potion, Hi-Potion, Ex-Potion, Antidote, Warp, Escape, Regain, Awake,
Shriek, Mystery Pin, Magic Guard, Boomerang, Big Boomer, Ice Ball,
Fire Ball, Power Gourd, Mind Gourd
Weapons -- Launcher, Pounder Rod, Battledriver, Rainy Ax
Armor -- Metal Armor, Power Cape, Circlet, Golden Helm, Tect Buckler
Spells -- Thunder, Dragon, Valor

Inn -- Free
Items -- Ex-Potion, Confuse Ball, Ice Ball, Fire Ball, Sleep Ball, Terror
Ball, Smoke Ball, Freeze Ball, Ex-boomer
Weapons -- Crazy Blade, Trident
Armor -- Plate Armor, Evening Gown, Silver Robe, Gold Band, Gold Shield, Gold
Spells -- Thunder, Firebird, Dragon, Ice Valk, Fry

Inn -- 50 gold
Weapons -- Red Saber, Halberd, Crystal Wand, Mist Rapier
Armor -- Plati Plate, Silk Robe, Plati Helm, Plati Band, Plati Gloves, Plati

Items -- Ex-Potion, Magic Guard, Power Gourd, Mind Gourd, Ex-boomer

Inn -- 40 gold
Items -- Ex-Potion, Confuse Ball, Ice Ball, Fire Ball, Sleep Ball, Terror
Ball, Freeze Ball, Ex-boomer
Weapons -- Silver Sword, Heavy Lance, Silver Rod, Freeze Bow
Armor -- Crystal Mail, Crystal Robe, Crysto Helm, Crysto Beret, Gauntlet
Spells -- Destroy, Zap
Tavern -- Pear Cider, Sour Cider, Lime Cider, Plum Cider, Apple Cider

Inn -- 20 gold
Weapons -- Buster Sword, Great Axe, Zirco Rod, Rune Rapier
Armor -- Eron Dress, Metal Jacket, Holy Cap, Rune Gloves
Items -- Ex-Potion, Magic Guard, Power Gourd, Mind Gourd, Ex-boomer, Dragon

Inn -- 20 gold
Items -- Ex-Potion, Confuse Ball, Ice Ball, Fire Ball, Sleep Ball, Terror
Ball, Smoke Ball, Freeze Ball, Ex-boomer, Dragon Tooth
Weapons -- Zirco Sword, Zirco Flail
Armor -- Royal Dress, Full Mail, Holy Cap, Holy Shield

Inn -- 10 gold
Items -- Ex-Potion, Magic Guard, Power Gourd, Mind Gourd, Confuse Ball, Ice
Ball, Fire Ball, Sleep Ball, Terror Ball, Smoke Ball, Freeze Ball,
Ex-boomer, Dragon Tooth
Weapons -- Zirco Rod, Zirco Whip, Zirco Flail, Zirco Sword, Zirco Ax
Armor -- Zircon Armor, Zircon Plate, Zirco Helmet, Zirco Band, Zirco Gloves,
Zirco Shield

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