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Sent on June 25. Walkthrough by Henry Francis Reinhart (HFR360@hotmail.com) WARNING: Before reading any further, you must realize that this walkthrough may give away some secrets to the game. Read it at your own risk! SUGGESTION: If you wish to print this out, a cheap alternative to home print outs is your local library (U.S.). I don't suggestion printing this out at home since it can use up quite a bit of ink. ______________________________________________________________________ Contents 1. Introduction 2. Character List 3. Walkthrough First Disc: Caldor Isle -Burg -White Dragon Cave -Back to Burg -Weird Woods -Saith -Old Hag's Forest -Hispaniola Continued from Demo: Katarina Zone -Meribia -Meribian Sewers -Althena's Shrine -Cave of Trial -Vane -Nanza Pass -East Side -Nanza -Nanza Pass -West Side -Lann -Lann Island -Prision -Crystal Tower -Back to Burg again -Magic Emperor -Meribia in trouble -Vane in peril -Return to Nanza -Nanza - South Side Marius Zone -Reza -Meryod Woods -Meryod -Mel? -Damon's Spire -Theives' Bazaar -Iluk -Iluk Field -Red Dragon Cave -Crash Landing in Reza 0002000009DF000006119D9, Stadius Zone -Lyton -Lyton Shrine -Blue Dragon Shrine -Tamur Pass -Tamur -Lost Woods -Pao -Black Dragon Cave -Unfinished Busness -To the Frontier Frontier -Talon -Talon Mine -Cadin -Ruid -Silver Spire -Grindery Bowels -Grindery Quarters -Althena's Sword -Althena's Fortress -Goddess Tower -The End 4. Song Lyrics and Music (Third Disc) 5. The Making of Luna 6. Weapons -Swords -Bows -Canes -Maces 7. Protection -Armor -Helmets, Hats, and Hair Stuff -Shields -Arm Equipment 8. Accessories 9. Items 10. Magic List 11. Enemy List 12. Red Chest Locations 13. Bromides 14. Rememberizer / Movie Descriptions 15. Conclusion ______________________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction --------------- Version 1.3 --------------- -The game was finally released, thus the walkthrough continued. -Touched up the songs section. -Touched up the enemies list. -Organized the Magic, Weapons, Armor, and Accessories Lists. -Added another song and a Music Soundtrack CD List. -Added a Red Chest Locations Section and a Bromides Section -Added a Making of Luna section -Added a Rememberizer / Movie Descriptions section -Spread out the equipment sections --------------- Version 1.2 --------------- -Added a Music List from Alex's Ocarina. -Also added more character information (not really important) --------------- Version 1 --------------- Completed as much as I could within a short time. Version 1.4 should be my last contribution to this walkthrough. I will attempt to finish it by next weekend. I will finish the Rememberizer / Movie Descriptions section and the enemies section. I will attempt to finish the game a second time so I can add anything that Iีve left out. This is the first walkthrough that I have ever attempted to complete and put on the internet myself, so be prepared for some errors. This statement is true, but after I finished the demo section I have tried my hand at another walkthrough for Super Smash Brothers (also on gamefaqs). This one, however, is the one I'll spend most of my time on. I have been 000200000C5500000FEAC4F,playing video games, mainly rpgs, most of my life. Beating these games is one of my specialities (if anyone wants a list of some put here, please e-mail me). I've written this walkthrough to see if I could do it, and possibly post it on http://www.gamefaqs.com. This walkthrough was started on April 20, the date when I got the demo. The demo should contain about 4 hours for the average player. The actual game was supposed to come out on May 7th, then May 11th, and then May 18th. I pre-ordered it, but there was some sort of shipping problem, so I received it on June 4th. If you find any errors or have any questions please contact me at HFR360@hotmail.com (but I'll also accept it at my yahoo address [HFR360@yahoo.com]). Unfortunatly, I do not personally have the internet, so this walkthrough can only be sent on weekends via a friend's computer (my e-mail can only be checked weekly, or possibly bi-weekly, because of this). Working Designs, the makers of Alundra, Dragon Force, and of course the Lunar series (the first two of which I've beaten the games of), have decided to re-create one of their classics. Lunar: The Silver Star Story Complete was supposed to come out on May 11th. Some of its features are (according to the Demo's ending): 20 speaking parts with over an hour of speech, 100+ hard cover game manual, full-color cloth map (not as impresive as it sounds), 23 song soundtrack CD, and a making of Lunar feature on a CD. With the two game discs, it contains four CDs. The leather-bound manual is supposed to have about 10% of the official hintbook in it. This traditional style RPG is done in 2D. This can be considered a collectors item. A problem with the demo is that you can only reach level 12 on all your characters. For me, this leaves some element of a challege to the actual game, but many people hate it. Since this game was out for both Sega CD and Sega Saturn, there should be plenty of walkthroughs for this game, but perhaps hardly any for Playstation. Still, this is completly my work. I never played any of the previous games, so this is done entirely from the Playstation game. This walkthrough is aimed at finding as many treasure and secrets as I can. Anyway, here's my walkthrough. ______________________________________________________________________ 2. Character List Alex Hero of the game. Has the aspiration to become the "Dragonmaster" like his own hero, the former Dragonmaster Dyne. Plays the Ocarina, sometimes combined with Luna's singing. He starts out in the small village of Burg. A great feature the game gave him is that he can attack twice after a certain level, ( I think level 9), and three times at level 27. Luckily, he never leaves the party. Nall A flying creature that resembles a cat, and talks. Been together with Alex since he was a child. Possibly, no definitly, a white dragon. Nall brings an element of humor with his various wise cracks and his attitude. He can carry up to 96 things. Luna An orphan who lives with Alex. Has a great singing voice. 000200000D9F00001C39D99,Appearently, the game is centered around her. Without her, it would be much harder to heal, and thus the game would be harder (until Jessica joins). Ramus Alex's pleasantly plump friend who looks for adventure, and money. Although he talks brave, he seems to be a coward. Nash Self proclaimed "Skilled Apprentice Nash, Third Rank of the Magic Guild". Found in a trap, supposibly inspecting it. He's a very proud person, and also very arrogant. He likes Mia Ausa, but will never tell her. Mel de Alkirk He was one of the four heros. He's also a beastman. His nickname is Hell Mel because he is feared by many. Jessica de Alkirk Daughter of Hell Mel. She lived in Meribia, but acts as a priestess at Althenia's Shine. She attacks twice at level 26. Phacia Leader of Althena's Shrine. Not much is known about her earlier in the game. Ghaleon Premier of Vane. He was one of the four heros. Some people say he can become the next dragonmaster, but something's holding him back. Magic Emperor Leader of the Vile Tribe. Seems to be the ultimate evil in this game. Xenobia Has a talent for mimicing the facial features of others. Royce Originally found on Black Rose Street as a fortune teller. Lemia Ausa She's the Guildmaster of the Magic Guild of Vane. She was one of the four heros. Mia Ausa She's the daughter of Lemia and the future leader of the Magic Guild. She's very shy and enjoys reading. Kyle He resides in Nanza. He's Jessica's boyfriend. Like Alex, he can attack twice (Three times at level 31). Tempest He's the leader of Pao. He's excellent with the bow and arrow. Can attack three times. Fresca Tempest's bride to be. ______________________________________________________________________ 3. Walkthrough ------------------------------------------ Burg ------------------------------------------ Items found: Dagger, Sling, Flame Ring, Ocarina. Watch the opening sequence. Alex's flying cat friend, Nall appears. Soon you'll be able to control him. With this game, you can save wherever you want. Pretty useful. Anyway, follow the path and the earth will shake. You'll find out from your friend, Ramus, that you'll have to go to the white dragon's lair for a diamond, but Nall reminds you that you have to go to Luna. Next, follow the path to Burg and to the springs to find her. I suggest exploring first, and talking to people more than once, or even twice. In the spings, you'll hear Luna sing ( Lyrics are "La La... something or other). She joins you. Go to Alex's house (north westmost house) to get a Dagger from your father. Give the Sling to Luna and equip it. Also take anything you want from the basement. Talk to Ramus who's waiting at the exit of the village. Now leave the village. ------------------------------------------ White Dragon Cave ------------------------------------------ Items found: Herb x4, Star Light, Dragon Ring, 250 silver, Dragon Diamond. Enemies: Albino Baboon, Mutant Fly, Slime, Synapse Guard Go right and follow the path until you reach a cave. Inside, you'll find an ice block that can be destroyed by Alex because of his ring. Now follow the path, dodge enemies if you want, and collect the treasure chest slightly hidden at the edge of the path coming up. The crystals that 000200000E77000029D2E71,appear ahead are hard to beat, but you can trap them by luring it into an enemy. You can also go around it. Go up from the crystal to find treasure. Follow the path to the left, all the way down, and to the right for treasure. Keep going right and down when you can. Take the treasure, then go left and down. I suggest stockpiling your herbs with Nall. Dodge, or fight, the crystals and procede into the doorway. You'll find the dragon, Quark. He says that he'll give you the Dragon Diamond if you give him the Dragon Ring. Leave the dragon and go to the doorway to the left. The Baboon there is extremly helpful (Don't kill it!). Make it charge at you to the bottom, to the right, up, left, and up to smash the block ( or sideways if you can). In the next room, use the Baboon to get the treasure. Go into the doorway. Use the Baboon again to get the treasure and to exit the room. Go to Quark and show him the ring and he'll give you his lump of... Diamond. He tells you to search for his brothers: Red, Blue, and Black. After doing this, he tells you to return to him. Now leave the cave and return to Burg. ------------------------------------------ Back to Burg ------------------------------------------ Items found: 1000 silver. Once home, heal at the statue. After you're finished talking to everyone, go to the shop and try to sell the diamond. She'll tell you to go to Meribia, the harbor town. Now go back home. You'll agree not to tell Luna you're leaving for Meribia, The mist covered woods is your next destination ( left of town). Follow the path and Ramus will run away. You'll be back in Burg. Talk to Luna and then your father and mother. She'll give you money ( choose the bottom choice for optimal honesty). Talk to Luna and then your father. You'll sleep. Watch the scene ------------------------------------------ Weird Woods ------------------------------------------ Items found: Antidote x6, Herb x4, Locked Chest?. Enemies: Flytrapper, Goblin, Gorgon, Scythe Spore The next morning, talk to Ramus. In the woods, Luna casts a spell and the fog disappears. Follow the path and go down for treasure. At the fork, go all the way up for treasure. Go left for more treasure. Go straight down for treasure, then go left for more treasure. Go further left for even more treasure. Go straight up for treasure, then go right for more treasure. Follow the path right, pick up treasure, continue. At the clearing, save and go left for some trouble with monsters. Luckly, a friend, Laike, appears. At level 99, he'll destroy them easily. You'll soon start a fire, talk, and sleep. Laike leaves in the morning. Follow the path, collect treasure, and exit. ------------------------------------------ Saith ------------------------------------------ Items found: Locked Chest? Follow the map south until you reach the port town of Saith. Explore the place. Notice another locked chest in the house west of the statue. What opens these? When finished, go to the docks, talk to the captain there, and then talk to Brett in the bar. You'll need some money first, and if you don't have it you can always sell something. He flips a coin, and you'll lose 200 moneys. Ramus will discover that he's cheating, so Brett gives you the Fortune Cane to give to the woman in the forest left and north of town. Go there. ------------------------------------------ Old Hag's Forest ------------------------------------------ Items found: Herb x3, 400 silver, Star Light, Locked Chest? Enemies: Killer Fly, Killer Wasp, Mantle Rapper, Mutant Ant 000200000F1900003843F13, If you go right, you'll find treasure but don't open it unless you want to fight bees (and get no items). You can dodge them if you go fast enough ( they'll just give up). Go up and left for more treasure bees. The one to the right is actual treasure. Now go right and up when you can. The treasure here also contains bees. Go left for more treasure, that has more bees. Go up and find the treasure hidden in the woods. Next, go right. The treasure chest here also contains, you guessed it, bees! Go up and search the treasure north for money. Go right and up to leave ( down to get a treasure chest). Now you'll find a trap with someone inside. Nash will join you. In the house, notice the locked chest in the basement. Talk to the woman with Luna and get the Chart. Don't keep talking to her, because this will force you to give her your Fortune Cane. Anyway, head to Saith. ------------------------------------------ Hispaniola ------------------------------------------ Boss: Saline Slimer Back at Saith, a monster has crawled onto the pier and attacked the cargo. Find and attack it at the ship. This is your first main boss. Saline Slimer Use Nash's Thunder Bomb first, then attack as you please. This weakens it and allows the other members to attack. Use Luna's spells to heal, and Ramus to attack. Use Alex's sword skills (I suggest Sword Dance). If you have the Cascade Song use it, but it's not necessary. All-in-all it's a pretty easy boss, even though it heals itself. Talk to Luna. She says that she's not going with you. The next morning, however, Alex convinces her to come and start the adventure. Its time to leave Caldor Isle via the Hispaniola. ---------------------------------------------End of Demo-------------------------------------------------- When you get the chance, head downstairs. You can buy things from the store downstairs. They sell... ---------------------------------------------------- Items Price ---------------------------------------------------- Long Sword 360 Small Bow 320 Leather Clothes 200 Leather Armor 260 Healing Nut 200 Soap 1000 ---------------------------------------------------- I suggest buying at least 2 soaps (you'll find out later). Talk to Luna when you're finished. You'll soon go to sleep. Luna decides to go up on the deck, so go there. You'll get to see another scene where Luna sings her boat song. You'll soon go back to sleep. In the morning, talk to whomever you want and head to the bow of the ship. You'll soon reach Meribia. ------------------------------------------ Meribia ------------------------------------------ Items found: Locked Chest? Well, you're finally here! Ramus and Nash go their separate ways. Explore the town. In the Seagull Tavern, you'll hear a singer sing. There's a locked treasure chest in the middle of three houses to the left of town. In the Item store they sell... ---------------------------------------------------- Items Price ---------------------------------------------------- Herb 40 Healing Nut 200 Antidote 20 Cleansing Water 60 Dragonfly Wings 100 ---------------------------------------------------- In the Weapons Store they sell... ---------------------------------------------------- Items Price ---------------------------------------------------- Long Sword 360 Small Bow 320 Fire Cane 1400 ---------------------------------------------------- 000200000F6100004756F5B, In another Weapons Shop they sell... ---------------------------------------------------- Items Price ---------------------------------------------------- Short Sword 200 Long Sword 360 Broad Sword 600 Poison Darts 180 Small Bow 320 Battle Bow 640 ---------------------------------------------------- In an armor store they sell... ---------------------------------------------------- Items Price ---------------------------------------------------- Leather Armor 260 Iron Armor 480 Wooden Shield 100 Iron Shield 360 Headband 160 Iron Helmet 260 ---------------------------------------------------- Master Mel is located in his mansion north of town. He's located in the conference room. Talk to him for another scene. He will fight you. After you lose, head towards the west side of town ( It is possible to win, but not nessessary). Ramus is in an item shop trying to sell the diamond. Continue west to Black Rose Street. There are more shops here. ---------------------------------------------------- Items Price ---------------------------------------------------- Healing Nut 200 Star Light 1000 Dragonfly Wings 100 ---------------------------------------------------- Here's another Weapon's Shop... ---------------------------------------------------- Items Price ---------------------------------------------------- Long Sword 360 Small Bow 320 Fire Cane 1400 ---------------------------------------------------- Here's another Armor Shop... ---------------------------------------------------- Items Price ---------------------------------------------------- Robe 400 Steel Armlet 220 Headband 160 ---------------------------------------------------- When you're finished buying what you need, go to the house to the far left and you'll see Nash talking to Royce, a fortune teller. After this, find Ramus outside of Black Rose Street and in the house with symbols on top. You'll have to settle with selling the diamond for 20000 silver. Unfortunatly, the store owner, Dross, takes the diamond but doesn't return. You'll have to enter the sewers and follow him. ------------------------------------------ Meribian Sewers ------------------------------------------ Items found: Star Light x3 , 250 silver x2 , Herb x2 , Antidote x3. Enemies: Ammonia, Evil Wisp, Fatal Hopper, Grog Snake Boss: Water Dragon Before going in, you might want to buy some Star Lights and healing items for the boss. Once you decide to go in, press the switch in the upper right to lower the bridge and go right. Follow the path to the right and fight the enemies. If you ever need to heal, go to the statue outside and near the entrance to the city. Follow the path and press the blue switch to the left of the next bridge. Go right at the crossroads and down into the room for an item. Go left,down, and right for a treasure chest. Fight the next two enemies and go down. You'll be in an area with alot of fish enemies jumping out of the water. Try not to touch them (unless you need the experience) and go all the way right for treasure. Go back to the left and go down (second passage from the left). Press the next switch and go down for treasure. Go right and up the bridge for another switch, then go back to the left and up to the crossroads. Now go down the third path on your right. Follow it and go down the ladder. Take the 000200000FB7000056B1FB1,treasure tucked away in the left corner and go up and the crossroad for money. Now go right and go up from the doorway. Follow the path all the way up and follow it into a door. Inside are three treasure chests and Dross. I suggest equiping some bows first before talking to him. Talk to him last and prepare for battle. Water Dragon This dragon can not be attacked by close range attacks. Hopefully your party has some bows and strong magic. Alex's magic does work, and I suggest using it now. The dragon sometimes uses Fire Press, which always attacked Alex and did about 50 HP worth of damage. Have Luna use Cascade Song on each of the party members and heal everyone when needed. Have Alex use his spells on it, such as Sword Dance (which works well here), and have Ramus shoot. Use items when needed. This battle is harder than the one with Saline Slimer, but it's still not that difficult. Dross gets frightened and gives you 500 silver. Ramus makes Dross a deal: trade the Dragon Diamond for the store. Since he sold the Diamond to the store, he now owns it. Royce appears and disappears stating "She's the one". Once you get control of your characters, notice the treasure to your right. There must be a way to get it. Anyway return to Ramus' store. ------------------------------------------ Meribia (optional Sewers) ------------------------------------------ When you return, you'll find Nash. He invites you to go to Vane with him. Unfortunatly, Ramus doesn't want to come and stays to operate his new store. Anyway, I suggest going to Mel's Mansion. If you want, you can enter a different area of the sewers. If not, disregard these directions. Items found: Star Light, Fortune Ring, Locked Chest? Go to the right and upstairs. Go past the training area and down into the sewers. Go down past the enemies and follow the path until you get to a treasure box. You'll also find a locked treasure chest. You'll be here again... Anyway, head towards the exit of town. ------------------------------------------ Althena's Shrine ------------------------------------------ Items found: Application. According to Nash, to reach Vane you'll need to use the Spring of Transmission. Follow the path to see the floating city of Vane. After this scene, go to the spring. Unfortunatly, the man there won't let you use the spring without permission from Phacia. Go to Althenia's Shrine and let Nash speak to her. She'll give you the Application. Now go to the spring. ------------------------------------------ Cave of Trial ------------------------------------------ Items found: 250 silver x4, Healing Ring, Locked Chest. Enemies: Death Shroom, Gunfoot, Ice Mongrel, Slumber Moth. Boss: Truffle Troubler. You'll be transported to the Cave of Trial. Once there, if you ever need to heal, talk to the old man. Anyway follow the path and fight the enemies. Go in the doorway, go down, right, then all the way up for treasure. Now go right and follow the path until you reach the old man. You can heal here, but for me it wasn't nessessary. Go through the doorway, go left and follow the path to the next doorway. Follow the path until you get to a crossroad. If you go right, you'll find a locked treasure chest and an enemy. I suggest going down. Follow the path until you can see the treasure chest. After acquiring the treasure, go in the doorway. Talk to all the people here (you'll meet Mr. Powers here [again with the "pop culture" references]). Anyway talk to the old man and heal if you need it (this is the last place to heal before the boss). Go through the doorway and head up and to the left. Grab the treasure and go down. Go all the way down for treasure, then back up and to the left. Truffle Troubler For this boss, I suggest you have Alex use his Sword Dance and Luna heal when possible. Its also a good idea to have Luna 000200000FAD00006662FA7,use her Cascade Song a couple of times on Alex. His attacks were Mad Spark, which attacks everyone by about 30 to 32 damage (I was at level 15 for both characters), and Flash Bolt, which attacked one person at 45 damage. If Alex runs out of MP, have him attack (Although it wasn't nessessary for me). Just follow these instructions and the battle will be easy. Right before you leave, save, and head towards the left. Follow the path for a Healing Ring. Now leave via the doorway and go to the old man in the upper right corner. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items found: 10 silver. Explore this new town before going to the Magic Guild. If you explore the Library, you'll find 10 silver in the 4th bookshelf on the right side. In the weapons store they sell... ---------------------------------------------------- Items Price ---------------------------------------------------- Saber 1000 Fire Cane 1400 Dream Cane 1600 ---------------------------------------------------- In the accessories store they sell... ---------------------------------------------------- Items Price ---------------------------------------------------- Crystal Pendant 12000 Devil Pendant 12000 Star Light 1000 Holy Water 100 Angel's Tear 600 Dragonfly Wing 100 ---------------------------------------------------- In the items shop they sell... ---------------------------------------------------- Items Price ---------------------------------------------------- Healing Nut 200 Antidote 20 Cleansing Water 60 ---------------------------------------------------- In the armor store they sell... ---------------------------------------------------- Items Price ---------------------------------------------------- Chain Mail 1200 Magic Robe 1280 Silver Shield 900 Silver Bracelet 480 Steel Armlet 220 Fruity Bandanna 240 ---------------------------------------------------- If you ever need to heal, there's a statue in the upper left most corner. When you're ready, enter the structure directly north of the city. Luna will rest in a small room and notice that someone is playing music. She explores and you'll see a scene involving Ghaleon (Unfortunatly, one of the songs on Alex's Ocarina reveals too much about him). Explore the place. There's a mysterious person locked in the dungeon. Will he/she be important later on? Go up the left staircase and meet Mia when you're finished. Nash will come barging in and tell you that Ghaleon will see you. Go up the right staircase this time and meet him. There will be another scene with Ghaleon here. He tells you to go to Lann to investigate if theres a Dragonmaster there, or if it's a hoax. ------------------------------------------ Nanza Pass -East Side ------------------------------------------ Items found: 50 silver x2, Herb x2, Enemy Chests x2. Enemies: Antorion, Death Mutt, Giga Wasp, Mud Cyclops. Follow the path left, then up. Fight the enemies if you wish. If you open the treasure, your whole party will be confused and you'll have to fight Giga Wasps. From there, go right and down for money. Now go to the left and then down. Follow the path that leads to the treasure chest. Now go down and to the left to pick up another treasure chest. Now go right and down. From there go right, up, and right for treasure. Then go all the way down if you want another enemy chest, if not go left from there. Keep going left to get to the Nanza Barrier. ------------------------------------------ 000200000FF800007609FF2,Nanza ------------------------------------------ Explore the place. You won't be able to pass without Kyles permission, so head for the tower. The people say he's in the east tower, but he seems to have went to the dinning area. Once there, he disappears to his bedroom above the mess hall. Now he appears to have gone to the jail cell. Here you'll see another scene. You'll now be able to leave via the west gate. ------------------------------------------ Nanza Pass - West Side ------------------------------------------ Items found: Enemy Chests, Star Light. Enemies: Same as the other side. Go all the way down and you'll see an enemy treasure chest. Go left from here and talk to the man. Go left from him and you'll see another treasure chest (actual treasure). Go left and you'll see another person. Keep going to exit. ------------------------------------------ Lann ------------------------------------------ Items found: Locked Chest? Go north to find Lann. Here there's a locked chest hiden behind a house. In the item store they sell... ---------------------------------------------------- Items Price ---------------------------------------------------- Healing Nut 200 Antidote 20 Cleansing Water 60 Dragonfly Wing 100 ---------------------------------------------------- Go in the mayors house to find Jessica. Now you'll have to go to Lann Island to get rid of the fake Dragonmaster. Go to the docks and borrow the boat there. ------------------------------------------ Lann Island ------------------------------------------ Items found: 300 silver, 500 silver x2, Confusion boxes x4, Fresh Ring. Enemies: Barrel Snake, Monocrop, Nightmare, The Deep. Boss: D Master Zoc Go all the way to the left (Avoid the poison swamp areas!) and you'll find treasure. Go to the right of this for another treasure box, but don't open it unless you want to be confused (up goes left, left goes down, right goes left, and down goes right). Go down for another confusion box (why?). Go all the way to the right then up for actual treasure. Go left then up when you can for another treasure box. Go to the left and up to find another confusion box (Don't open it). Go all the way to the left, then up to see another confusion box. If you go left from here, you'll find another confusion box and go up and all the way to the right for treasure. Go all the way to the left for a ring. Go to the other side of the stream and save before talking to the man. He is the fake Dragonmaster Zoc. D Master Zoc Now you have two healers in your party, so the battle isn't that hard. Have Alex use his Sword Dance, Luna use Cascade Song twice on Alex and then heal, Nash use his Thunder Bomb, and Jessica heal or attack when needed. His Press attack hurts anyone within the area of attack, but just let one of the healers heal everyone. He also uses Throwing Fire, but it never hurt me because the one he attacked was wearing the Fire Ring. He's not too hard, it just takes awhile to beat him. Go back to Lann, and once there you'll meet Phacia. When Jessica leaves, so does Jessica because she never heard of Phacia. Now leave and head for Vane (you'll have to go back through the Nanza Passes). ------------------------------------------ Prision ------------------------------------------ Items found: Althena's Mirror. Go to the Great Hall and talk to Ghaleon twice. Lemia will then arrive. She says that she can sense evil in Alex, and throws him in prision. Once there, look around and the masked woman will speak. Mia will then appear to recuse you and gives you Althena's Mirror. Next you'll free the masked woman. She tells you to go to the Star Chamber. ------------------------------------------ Crystal Tower ------------------------------------------ Items found: 250 silver, 500 silver, 750 silver, Star Light, Angel Ring. 000200000FD6000085FBFD0,Enemies found: Blood Lord, Neutronitor, Reflector, Plasma Fiend. Once you arrive at the door to the Star Chamber (the blue one on the right side), Nash will join you. Mia will open the door. Unfortunatly, once inside you can't use you're weapons, but Alex still does when he uses his spells. You'll have to rely on magic skills. First go up the right staircase and go down for treasure. Go to the left and down when possible. Go through the doorway, then up, left, and down. Go through the next doorway and go up, then right and down for a hidden treasure chest. Now go up from there and up the staircase. You'll see another slightly hidden chest here. Now go back down and take the left staircase. From there go right, down and up the staircase. Go up and take the left staircase, and follow the path for treasure. Go back down and take the other staircase. Go right and all the way down to go up another staircase. Take the ring in the treasure box, go down, and take the other staircase. Avoid the enemies and go up the next staircase. Here you'll hear Luna singing. Go up the last staircase. Here you'll find a ritual being performed with Luna in the center singing. Appearently, Luna was captured because of her singing (and so was the other singer in Lann). Mia uses the mirror to see if Lamia was who she seemed to be. It didn't work on her. The masked women then removes the masks and reveals that she is the true Lamia. The mirror appearently removed her mask. Ghaleon tell refuses to side with the fake Lamia and goes to Mia's side. You'll then see a scene which shows that the fake Lamia was realy Xenobia of the Vile Tribe. Four ultragoyles then attack. I suggest you use the rest of you magic on these. Have Alex use his sword attacks, Luna heal, Nash use his Thunder Bomb, and Mia use her Blizzard or Flame Circle spells. Ghaleon states that he knew nothing about Xenobia and that he want to see Quark, the White Dragon. Mia will stay in Vane to act as ruler because Lemia still has a tough time with her memory, and Nash will stay to help. Now take Ghaleon to Meribia to board the ship there. *Before you go, stop by Althenia's Shine and talk to the woman near the statue for Phacia's Bromide. ------------------------------------------ Back to Burg again ------------------------------------------ Items found: 1000 silver, Ice Mace. When you're ready, go the Mel's Mansion. You'll see Mel, Ghaleon, and Jessica here. Talk to Ghaleon and soon you'll go upstairs to rest. Talk to Jessica a few times to tell her your story and you'll sleep. Luna will have a dream. The next morning, go to the ship. You'll go to Saith. Once there, talk to the man walking around in the house you're forced to go it and he'll give you some silver. Before going to Burg, visit the Old Hag for an item. Don't worry about the enemies, Ghaleon makes it easier to get by. The mace can be used by Jessica. Now head back to Burg. If you go to the pond area, Luna will say something to Alex. Explore and when you're ready, go visit Quark. ------------------------------------------ Magic Emperor ------------------------------------------ Items found: Dragon Wings Ghaleon asks Quark if Luna is the one. Quark says yes. Then, Ghaleon turns against Quark and reveals that he is the Magic Emperor Ghaleon. He then traps Quark into a giant magic dome that shrinks into a tiny orb and he grabs it. He kidnaps Luna and then shoots Alex with his magic. Never trust anyone with red reptilian-like eyes. Alex then wakes in his home. Alex's father tells him that Laike saved him. First go in the basement and search the drawers for Luna's Bromide 2. Next, go to Dyne's monument and speak to him. His story about Dyne risking his life for the one he loved encourages him, and Alex sets out to save her from Magic Emperor Ghaleon. Laike also gives him Dragon Wings ------------------------------------------ 000200000FFA000095CBFF4,Meribia in trouble ------------------------------------------ Enemies: Gargoyle, Guardian, Rook, Shadow Lord First off in Meribia, you'll have to help out Jessica from some enemies. After this, Alex will tell her what happened. Now you'll have to help out Master Mel in the mansion. Go there, unless you need the experience gained from the monsters. You'll have to go around the boxes to get to the mansion. I also suggest stoping by Ramus' store. He sells... ---------------------------------------------------- Items Price ---------------------------------------------------- Silver Sword 1800 Chain Mail 1200 Silver Shield 900 Healing Nut 200 Star Light 1000 Holy Water 100 ---------------------------------------------------- Once you're inside Mel's Mansion, head towards the combat arena. You'll find Mel fighting inside. Xenobia sees Jessica and attacks by shooting a beam at her, but Mel jumps in front of it. He then turns to stone. Xenobia then leaves. Jessica trys to undo the curse on Mel, but it can't be lifted unless the caster is dead. Jessica then asks Alex to take her to Vane. Before you go, you might want to go to Black Rose Street. There's an interesting glitch in the game when you talk to the old man in the first house. Mia appearenly comes from nowhere to speak to him (can someone explain this?). One of the people walking on the street has Royce's Bromide. I suggest you take it. Anyway when you're finished, go to Vane. ------------------------------------------ Vane in peril ------------------------------------------ Boss: Vile Crustacean Once you arrive, you'll see a giant monster fighting a group of soldiers, Mia, and Nash. Their magic has no effect on it. You have to help them. Vile Crustacean Nash's and Mia's magic does little damage, but you'll have to use it. Have Alex use his Sword Dance and his Vigor spell. Have Nash use his Thunder Bomb. Have Mia use her Ice Lance, and her Ice Shell on a party member. Have Jessica heal with her Calm Litany. Use a Star Light if Alex's MP runs out. This monster was a little harder than all the rest, mainly because your magic doesn't work too well. You'll now speak with Lamia and then speak to Mia and Nash a few times. They'll both join you. When you speak to Lamia again, she tells you to seek out the Red Dragon, who lives in a volcano south of Nanza. Head for Nanza. ------------------------------------------ Return to Nanza ------------------------------------------ Items found: Jess' Bromide 4. Enemies: Scythe Master. Notice that the world map music changed. Anyway once your in Nanza, you'll see a scene with Kyle, and he'll attack the enemies by himself. One Power Sweep will take them out. After this, go to Kyle's bed to pick up Jess' Bromide 4. Now talk to Kyle. He'll join you. Now head south. ------------------------------------------ Nanza Pass - South Side ------------------------------------------ Items found: Angel's Tear, Locked Chest? Enemies: Same as the other sides (Just flies though). Go down and right at the second sign coming up. Follow the path until you see two treasure chests. Come back later... Now go back to the sign and go down. ------------------------------------------ Reza ------------------------------------------ Items found: Locked Chest? Now you're in a new area. Explore if you want, but you'll have to go to the first town you see, Reza. To the left of the Marius Zone is Althenia's Spring and a forest. You can see a scene in the spring were the males bath if you want (only if you have soap). There are two different scenes, but I personally hate both. You'll need the second disc for the second scene, but the strange thing about this is that you can play on the second disc the same way as you can with the first one (except for the 0002000006260000A5BF620,animation scenes that come up). There's also a tower down from this, but the guard doesn't let you in. There's another town by the coast called Iluk, but you don't have to go there yet. Whenever your finished, go to Reza. In the items store to your right after entering the town they sell... ---------------------------------------------------- Items Price ---------------------------------------------------- Healing Nut 200 Antidote 20 Cleansing Water 60 Dragonfly Wings 100 ---------------------------------------------------- Once you travel a little further into Reza, somebody bumps into Nall. You'll soon realize that that man stole the White Dragon Wings (even though Alex had them in my game). Anyway, go in one of the two doors in the blueish building all the way into town. Talk to the guy at the counter. He mentions that you have to join the Thieve's Guild to get the item back. To join the guild, you'll have to go to Meryod and find the tester. You could explore Reza a little more too. In the weapons shop they sell... ---------------------------------------------------- Items Price ---------------------------------------------------- Chain Mail 1200 Purity Clothes 1400 Sorcerer's Robe 2000 Silver Armlet 660 ---------------------------------------------------- You should also notice the locked chest hidden between a tree, 0002000009FF0000ABDF9F9,barrels, and a house on the left side. Anyway once you're finished head towards the forest on the eastern side of the Marius Zone. ------------------------------------------ Meryod Woods ------------------------------------------ Items found: 1000 silver x2, Locked chest?. Enemies: Brain Licker, Chono Gorgon, Graggen, Killer Buzz. Don't use magic or magical weapons on the enemies ahead because it will heal the enemies. Anyway , go up and then right at the cross section to find treasure. Go all the way to the left for another treasure box. If you look behind a tree above the treasure, you'll see another locked treasure chest. Now go right and up to get out. Once you actually get out, head for the bridge-like city. ------------------------------------------ Meryod ------------------------------------------ Items found: Old Notebook, Locked Chest? Here's another town to explore. Of course you'll want to heal at the statue if you've been fighting the enemies in the woods. Now go down (not to the right, yet). In the items store they sell... ---------------------------------------------------- Items Price ---------------------------------------------------- Wrath Ring 12000 Healing Nut 200 Antidote 20 Cleansing Water 60 Angel's Tear 600 ---------------------------------------------------- In the armor store they sell... ---------------------------------------------------- Items Price ---------------------------------------------------- Steel Armor 2400 Steel Shield 1800 White Bracelet 1000 Steel Helmet 1360 Jade Hairpin 400 ---------------------------------------------------- There's also a locked treasure chest hidden behind the bottom left house. Once your finished, take a walk down the path right of the statue. The bridge will collaspe and your party will split up. First find Nash to your left. Then you'll see Jessica to your left from where Nash was. From Jessica, you'll see Mia to your left. After you find Mia, head for the bar to find Kyle. He says that if you go to Damen's Tower and get the jewel that's supposed to be there, you'll be guarented membership to the guild. He gives you the Old Notebook which lets you enter. Now you'll have to go back to the forest and go to Damon's Spire, but there's a little surprise 000200000FE00000B5D8FDA,waiting for you... ------------------------------------------ Mel? ------------------------------------------ Boss: Plaster Mel. At the end of the forest, you'll see Mel. He'll start talking, then Kyle pushes Jessica out of the way. The rest of the party turns to stone. Mel tells Jessica to join him, but Kyle breaks free and attacks the impostor. Plaster Mel First Power Up, then use your Power Slash against him. He's not too hard, just don't let your HP get too low. After you're finished, go to the spire. (At this point I traveled through Nanza to Althena's Shrine and got one of Jess' Bromides from the person who thought that Jessica was his sister [ask twice]. I'm not sure if you can get this later on, but I think you can). ------------------------------------------ Damon's Spire ------------------------------------------ Items found: Sage's Clothes, Spirit Bandanna, Star Light x4, Ice Pendant, Theives' Guide. Enemies: Bat Knight, Mummy (2nd floor), Rufus (3rd floor), Kill Roller (4th floor). Once here, you'll read a passage from the Old Notebook and that will let you in. Now step on the double red squares all over the first floor to gain access to the stairs in the bottom left corner. Examine the doors there to talk to the old man. Let Mia answer the question to continue (although both answers will lead you inside). Once you go upstairs, you'll find monsters. Be careful, because the enemies here only perish when exposed to magic. Press the switches to your right, then go up and right past the mummies. Press some more switches and go all the way to the right. Take the treasure and go up. Try to open the door to speak with Damon again. For this question choose Nash. He states that Skill determines Force, and you'll be able to go. Before you do this, grab the treasure towards the right. Now go upstairs. The enemies here only respond to physical magic attacks. Have Alex use his Flash Cut. Anyway, press the switch and go down for treasure. Now press the switches and go left, then up. Go left from the man there if you want treasure. Go back to the man and make sure you help him to continue. Use regular attacks on the enemies on this floor. Go left, take the treasure, then go down to press the switch. Go back towards the staircase, then go right and take the treasure. Go down to press the switch and get treasure. Go back to the left side and find your way to a big white block that looks like it's blocking the staircase. If you guess incorectly, you'll face one of each of the enemies that you've seen already in the spire (if you want you can do this with each character to see their reactions). Just make sure everyone stays together in your party and continue up the stairs. The next floor is unusually peaceful. Follow the path made by the switches and you'll soon end up near the blocked staircase. What you'll have to do here is choose a character to create something with clay. I suggest using everyone to see what happens, then ultimatly choose Alex. Nall with take over and you'll eventually create Luna, but Jessica will think it's the Goddess (did anyone figure it out yet?). Anyway continue upstairs. Here you'll find Damon. He'll give you the Thieves' Guide. You can now read the books in the spire. Whenever you're finished, leave and go to back to Reza. ------------------------------------------ Thieves' Bazaar ------------------------------------------ Items found: Soap, Thieves' Crest, White Dragon Wings. The weapons shop here has new weapons... ---------------------------------------------------- Items Price ---------------------------------------------------- Samurai Blade 2800 Flail 2600 Ethereal Cane 2400 ---------------------------------------------------- Anyway, go to the bar. You'll find Laike here, but you should 000200000FFF0000C5B2FF9,talk to the man at the counter. You'll get the Thieves' Crest, which lets you open those annoying red treasure chests. Go in the door behind the counter to go to the Thieves' Bazaar. They sell many things here. In the armor stand they sell... ---------------------------------------------------- Items Price ---------------------------------------------------- Steel Armor 2400 Intelligent Robe 3600 Steel Shield 1800 Crystal Armlet 1200 Steel Helmet 1360 ---------------------------------------------------- In the items stand they sell... ---------------------------------------------------- Items Price ---------------------------------------------------- Healing Nut 200 Star Light 1000 Angel's Tear 600 ---------------------------------------------------- When you're finished, talk to the guy in the upper right hand side. You'll get the Dragon Wings back. He'll also give you soap. If you talk to him again, he'll sell you weapons... ---------------------------------------------------- Items Price ---------------------------------------------------- Ice Blade 4000 Ice Mace 4400 Stone Bow 4600 Ice Cane 3600 ---------------------------------------------------- Once to try to leave, you'll find Royce kidnaping Lily. Lily's grandfather comes in, but he couldn't stop her. You'll also find out that the Vile Tribe is going for the Red Dragon next. Lily's grandfather tells you to follow him to the Thieves' Bazaar. A man there gives you the Balloon Blueprint and he tells you to go to Iluk and take them to an inventor there. ------------------------------------------ Iluk ------------------------------------------ This town is located south of Reza and along the western coastline. Remember, you can now use your dragonwings to visit the other towns that you've been to. Once you get to Iluk, explore. In the items/armor store they sell... ---------------------------------------------------- Items Price ---------------------------------------------------- White Bracelet 1000 Healing Nut 200 Antidote 20 Cleasing Water 60 Dragonfly Wing 100 ---------------------------------------------------- Go to the inventor's house (above the statue). When you give Shira the blueprints, he will build you a balloon. You'll have to catch a fluffy bug in the field north of there to make the balloon fly. Now go in the basement (to the left of the house) to speak with the man there and he'll open the gate north of the basement. ------------------------------------------ Iluk Field ------------------------------------------ Items found: Crystal Bracelet, Fluffy Bug, Healing Ring, Spook Hairpin, 1500 silver. Enemies: Fluffy Bug, Fly Devil, Man Eater, Puffy Bug. Now you'll hear some interesting jubilant music. You're goal here is to catch the elusive Fluffy Bug. I suggest fighting the enemies here, because they seemed to advance my party's level alot. Go all the way to the right and jump on the springs there (looks like lilypads). You'll cross the streams that way. Take the treasure and go back towards the entrance. You could go out and heal if you wish. Go all the way to the left (a little bit down) and hop over the streams. Go up and take the treasure, then go right and up. Keep going and you'll find more treasure. The bug here is the one you'll need. It'll still run away, but the party will surround it. Go to the right and a little up for another treasure chest. Now you can leave. ------------------------------------------ Red Dragon Cave ------------------------------------------ Items found: Angel Ring, Barrier Ring, Dragon Shield, Flame Sword, Rainbow 000200000FE60000D5ABFE0,Tiara, Star Light x7, 1000 silver. Enemies: Burner, Blood Slime, Fire Elemental, Scorpion. The balloon won't be ready until tomorrow, so you'll go to sleep. The next morning, the balloon still doesn't work, until Nall bumps into it. Whenever you're ready (save first (have at least two, in case the cave is too difficult, and stock up on ice weapons and Star Lights), enter the ballon and you'll go to the Red Dragon's Cave. Careful, the enemies here can get quite annoying, especially once you run out of MP. Once here, go up and down the staircase. Remember that this is a volcano, so the enemies here will be susceptable to ice attacks. Now go down and down the next staircase. From there go right and up for treasure. Keep going left for more treasure, while attacking or avoiding the enemies. Go down and right to find the next staircase. You'll hear the Red Dragon speak from somewhere. He heals you and says to come forward. Go to the left a little and try to notice the treasure hidden below. Now go all the way up for more treasure. Now go right and through the flaming pillars (which do hurt you), then go downstairs. Go down and to the right for treasure. Go back to the staircase and head to the right for more treasure. Now go to the left and take the second path up for treasure. Go down and left towards the next treasure. Go all the way left and then down for treasure, then go to the right for more treasure. Step on the hole in the ground to be transported to a little island for the Flame Sword (equip it after you leave the volcano). Now go back all the way to the left, then go up past the flames (save and heal after you cross). Take the treasure there and Nall will start complaining about the cave. You'll also see two monsters on pedestals. Royce will show up and stick them after you. Bronze Dog You'll face two of these things. They can attack by using their Fire Ball spell, which shoots a few fire balls at you. Sometimes these guardians burst into flames. When they do this, they'll attack everyone with Heat Rush eventually. Of couse, ice hurts them so use any ice weapons and magic against them. Have Alex use his Vigor, then use Sword Dance. Have Nash use his thunder attacks. Have Mia use Blizzard and have her use Ice Lance when there's only one. Have Kyle use his Power Slash, or one of his multiple attacks if they can be used to hit both. Have Jessica heal the party. Make your Star Lights and Healing Nuts you found come to good use here. Try to stay focused and use everyone to attack them one at a time. Don't lose track of the one you're attacking. It gets much easier when there's only one monster. With any luck, no rather skill, you'll defeat them. Royce will disappear after this encounter and you'll suspect that somethings wrong with the dragon. Take the treasure to the right and go down the stairs. You'll enter the dragon's room, but it's not there. Then, it suddenly appears stating that the Magic Emperor stole its body. Alex had already passed the trial by going through the magic flames. The Red Dragon will vanish again, but it'll leave behind the Red Dragon Shield. Now head back to the balloon (Warning: The enemies have come back! [I don't know if you can use Escape Litany, since I didn't try it]. You'll also get healed when you go back up the third staircase). ------------------------------------------ Crash Landing in Reza ------------------------------------------ The balloon doesn't make it to Iluk and instead crashes in Reza. Thieves make off with the remains of the balloon as the party lays there unconscious. Laike arrives to greet you when you wake and he tells you that the bridge from Meryod is now fixed. Next destination: Stadius Zone. ------------------------------------------ Stadius Zone ------------------------------------------ When you go to Meryod and cross the bridge, you'll notice a weapons shop. They sell... 0002000006350000E58B62F,---------------------------------------------------- Items Price ---------------------------------------------------- Great Sword 9000 Water Mace 7600 Holy Bow 8400 Sage's Cane 8600 ---------------------------------------------------- You'll notice a spring located pass a forest here in the Stadius Zone. The enemies are very powerful, but it is possible to run past them all. Of course you'll need two soap here to use the spring. If you decide to come here now, don't save in there. ------------------------------------------ Lyton ------------------------------------------ Follow the path up until you find a strange sounding village. This is Lyton. In the armor/items store they sell... ---------------------------------------------------- Items Price ---------------------------------------------------- Holy Armor 4800 Holy Shield 3600 Rainbow Armlet 2400 Holy Helmet 2600 Healing Nut 200 Angel's Tear 600 ---------------------------------------------------- Appearently, this excruciating cacophony is caused by monsters in the wind shrine. There's an entrance on the east side of the village. The people in the village can call the Blue Dragon with their songs, so you'll have to stop the music. ------------------------------------------ Lyton Shrine ------------------------------------------ 0002000009FD0000EBBA9F7,Items found: Star Light, Wisdom Robe, 2500 silver. Enemies: Bob Goblin, Brainpicker, Electro Eye, Giga Ant. Go up and down the staircase. Now go right and then down. Take the path to the upper left and take the treasure, but don't touch the crack in the floor (unless you want to fight more enemies). Instead, follow the path to the left and down the staircase. Now go right and towards the treasure. Go up and up again to go down the staircase. You'll arrive in a green glowing room. Now go down and follow the path towards the treasure. Go down and go all the way to the left, then go up. Go up the staircase when you can. Try not to fall down the pits and go to the next staircase. Now go up and up the staircase. The strange music will come back. Go left and up. You'll see two rocks. Push the left one left and the right one right. That should fix the music problem. Now return to Lyton. ------------------------------------------ Blue Dragon Shrine ------------------------------------------ Items found: Angel Ring, Angel's Tear, Chira's Tail, Dragon Armlet, Dragon Helmet, Jewel Bracelet, Ruby Tiara, 5000 silver. Enemies: Aqua Genie, Gelatin, Razor Wolf, Water Elemental. Go to the lake north of the village. The temple will rise when two lovers sing. Kyle and Jessica sing, and Mia and Nash sing, but it doesn't work. Then Alex plays his ocarina, and Luna sings from her prison. All the singers also join in. The Magic Emperor also mentions something about Luna's awakening. Then, the temple rises. The pools here are transports. Go in the first one and head for the second. Now go left (ignore the next pool, unless you want to fight enemies). You'll come across three pools. First take the treasure in the left corner, then go in the pool right next to that treasure. Go up and into that pool. Now go left and you'll find three pools. The only one that lets you pass is the middle one. Now all the way to the left and down for treasure. Now go in the next pool. Go all the way to the left for treasure. Now go to the right past the spring and up for treasure. Then go right some more and go up. Take the right path and go up. You'll find six pools here. Go all the way to the left and take the second one to the right. Now don't go in the two whirlpools next to you (unless you need the experience). Go right, up, and left. Go down for two treasure chests (equip your new accessories [use the Tail on a slow character]), then go in 000200000FE60000F5B1FE0,the pool above. Now go left for treasure, then continue and enter the lighted room. You'll find the Blue Dragon here. The dragon will open up a room for you to receive the helmet. Go there and take it. Once you do, you'll hear a struggle with the Blue Dragon. Go out to investigate. The dragon will be gone and Phacia will appear. She'll talk for awhile and then disappear. The spirit of the blue dragon will appear. It says that Ghaleon was jealous of Dyne and Althena. The dragon disappear after telling you to become the next Dragonmaster. There's nothing you can do about it. Leave the shrine and go back to town (The monsters have also come back here so be careful!) (You can also use Escape Litany to get out of here without the grief, but also without the experience and silver). ------------------------------------------ Tamur Pass ------------------------------------------ Items found: Angel's Tear, Dark Helmet, Healing Nut, Shira's Tail, Star Light, Wind Cane. Enemies: Great Hornet, Ice Pup, Octo Plant, Shrieker. Xenobia's Minions: Carapace Knight, Dark Sorcerer. Go right of Lyton and follow the path to a rugged mountain pass. The enemies here really don't like fire attacks (make sure Alex has his Flame Sword equiped). Go as far as you can to the right (first stop at the sign that says "Danger Ahead! Turn Back" and go below it for treasure, then keep going right), then down for treasure. Now go to the next path down to the left. Keep going down for treasure, then go left and go west when you reach the sign that says "WEST: Tamur". Take the treasure and go down from the sign. Go left to find treasure, then keep following the path for more treasure. Now take the right path. Keep going and you'll find Xenobia. She'll summon her monsters after you. Just attack the Sorcerer and use magic against the Knights. After you defeat the first three, she'll summon more. After this arrows will appear from the sky, wiping out the advancing enemy army. Two people on horseback appearently saved you. Keep going right to get out of here and into Tamur. ------------------------------------------ Tamur ------------------------------------------ Here's that bug-catching music again. The General Store here sells... ---------------------------------------------------- Items Price ---------------------------------------------------- Protection Ring 12000 Healing Nut 200 Antidote 20 Cleansing Water 60 Holy Water 100 Angel's Tear 600 ---------------------------------------------------- The weapons store sells... ---------------------------------------------------- Items Price ---------------------------------------------------- Great Sword 9000 Wind Sword 14000 Judgment Mace 12400 Holy Bow 8400 ---------------------------------------------------- The armor store sells... ---------------------------------------------------- Items Price ---------------------------------------------------- Silver Armor 9600 Radiance Clothes 5600 Saint's Robe 7200 Spirit Robe 12400 Dragon Armlet 3800 Lucky Bandanna 2800 ---------------------------------------------------- Once you buy all this good stuff, go to the stables. You'll find Laike here. He tells you that an inventor named Myght could build a flying machine, which would be helpful in finding the Black Dragon. Since Myght isn't really a people person, Laike takes only Alex and Nall. Your friends will wait for you in the bar. Nash seems very depressed if you talk to him. Anyway, head for the building north of town. ------------------------------------------ Myght's Tower ------------------------------------------ 000200000FF200010591FEC,Items found: Barrier Ring, Crystal Sword, Healing Nut, Silver Light, 500 silver. Enemies: Magic Hat, Mecha Star, Plasma Prism, Tormentor. Talk to the man at Myght's Tower. He'll let you go upstairs. Read the note here if you want. You'll have to go through the doors in a certain sequence: Planet (bottom), Star (left), Sun (right), and Moon (up). The next section involves you going through a system of pipes, and fighting enemies (the Magic Hats can only be hurt with Alex's Magic [use Sword Dance]). Take the left elevator up once, and follow the pipes to the first ladder. Once outside again, go into the adjacent pipe and follow the pipes until you find treasure. Now go back outside where there's an elevator and ride it down. Go up the left elevator three times to the top. Go in the pipe and head for the exit to the left. Go back in the next pipe and take the treasure that you'll see. Now exit to your right and go in the second pipe to your left. Take the treasure that you'll see, then go back to and down the elevator. Go back up the left pipe, twice this time. Go in the pipe and follow the path down for treasure, and up for for the exit. Once again outside, go right and into the next pipe. Take the treasure and follow the path to the exit. Go back in the next pipe to finish this maze. You'll hear Ramus' music again. You'll also see another animation scene. He'll agree to build the airship. Laike says that he heard rumors of the Black Dragon found in the Prairie south of Tamur. Laike will stay with Myght for awhile. Head back to Tamur (it's easier if you go down using the chute to the left[and don't worry about getting back, the wings will take you here now]). ------------------------------------------ Tamur ------------------------------------------ Items acquired: Dragon Necklace Enemy?: Tempest Go to the bar to meet everyone again. Talk to Mia to have Nash return. Nash seems overly optimistic now. He states that something is going on in the town square. You'll find the two people who saved you before from Tamur Pass here. They're hanging a man here. Alex frees him. You'll then see an animation scene that explains why they tried to hang him. Tempest challenges you to a fight. Just use Sword Dance and Dragon Anger to defeat this easy adversary. He then congradulates you. He then states that he and Fresca came to investigate a singer who was kidnaped five days ago. He then gives you the Dragon Necklace. They then leave. Now head for the forest to the right of Tamur. ------------------------------------------ Lost Woods ------------------------------------------ Items found: Chira's Tail, Dark Shield, Healing Nut x2, Holy Hairpin, Silver Light, Star Bracelet. Enemies: Ambush, Killer Shroom, Monster Wasp, Yeti. The enemies here, like in Tamur Pass, hate fire. Keep going down and you'll reach a clearing. From there, go left and up for treasure. Go down and a little to the left. Keep going down to find treasure. Go up, right, and down. Kyle will examine a few trees in the area. Go a little to your right, up for the treasure, then back down. Go all the way to the right, then up and left for treasure. Go back to the crossroads and go left this time. Keep going up for treasure. Keep walking around and your party members will soon start complaining. They tell you to go back to the campsite. Go there. You'll then rest. Alex will have a nightmare involving Luna and alot of a certain red liquid. When you wake up, the Prairie Tribe will find you. They see the necklace and tell you that it's the Black Dragon Pendant. They then consider you friends and they take you to their village. Follow them down to the trees, and they'll open the trees for you (just watch). Now go right and take the treasure that you'll find. Now go all the way to the left and take the treasure there. Now go back and take the path going down. ------------------------------------------ Pao 000200000FF80001157DFF2,------------------------------------------ On the world map, go down to the next village. Someone there says that the village is overrun with a horrible disease. The people here are also nomadic, that is they move their village around with them. A man here sells... ---------------------------------------------------- Items Price ---------------------------------------------------- Healing Nut 200 Star Light 1000 Angel's Tear 600 Holy Water 100 ---------------------------------------------------- Whenever your finished looking around, go inside Tempest's tent. You'll find out that the Dark Songstress is causing this disease. Alex will give back Tempest's necklace saying that he can't keep something this important. You'll soon here a strange song. Jessica will start to get sick. Then Mia will also get sick. Fresca also gets sick after mentioning that the Dark Songstress is in the Black Dragon Cave. Tempest rushes off to it. You'll have to go there without Mia and Jessica. Talk to the Elder to get in. Next follow the path leading to the cave. ------------------------------------------ Black Dragon Cave ------------------------------------------ Items found: Angel Ring, Dark Armor, Dark Sword, Dragon Bandanna, Dragonfly Wing, Dream Bow, Healing Nut, MP sucking chest x2, Silver Light x2. Enemies: Chaos Fiend, Hell Raiser, Nipple Yanker, Slice O'Dead. I love this music! Now I suggest avoid the enemies when possible. Go through the door and through the upper left door for treasure. Now follow the path to the right and bypass the staircase for treasure. Now go up the staircase. Take the first treasure chest, but not the second unless you want to lose most of your MPs (which you don't). Go left and you'll see Tempest, who joins your party. Continue on past the next treasure chest (don't take it, you know what's inside). Follow the path until you find another treasure chest (again, don't take it). Go down the right door and go to the next treasure chest. Go upstairs and follow the path until you come to a crossroads. Go up to speak to the Black Dragon. He tells you to destroy his physical body before the Black (Dark) Songstress can take it over. He'll also give you the armor. Now go up and right to get more treasure, then go left for more treasure and a staircase. I suggest equiping anything that you've forgotton now and get your Healing Nuts ready. Take the last treasure here and go up. You'll find Luna/Dark Songstress here. She'll call Magic Emperor Ghaleon. Her song hurts the entire party. The Black Dragon will attack, and you'll be paralyzed. Alex will start playing his ocarina and she'll stop. She'll start coming to her senses, but Ghaleon takes her away. The Black Dragon Armor will glow, and Alex will become the Dragonmaster in an interesting animation scene. You will then fight the Black Dragon. Black Dragon Have Alex use his Vigor (maybe twice if you want, but once is enough), then Sword Dance. He'll also be your healer with his Dragon Healing. Have Nash use his Thunderbolt, or Thunderbomb attacks. Have Kyle use his Power Up, followed by his Power Slash attack. Have Tempest use his Flash Arrow attack. The dragon's Fire Breath attack will push your characters back and hit one with fire. His Cold Breath will push everyone back and attack them all. His Thunder Breath will push everyone back and shock them all. Heal with items or Alex when your HPs are low. This boss isn't really that difficult, if no one gets knocked out. Ghaleon will once again turn Luna against you. The Dark Songress/Luna revives the Black Dragon and she escapes on it with Ghaleon. Ghaleon tells you to come to the Grindery in the Frontier. You'll have to leave now and return to the village (so that's why the Dragonfly wings were in that chest). ------------------------------------------ 0002000006420001256F63C,Unfinished Busness ------------------------------------------ Go back to Tempest's tent to see the rest of the party. You'll inform them of what's happening, and Laike will arrive. He tells you to return to Myght's Tower to see if the airship's ready. You'll get your original party back. Talk to Tempest and he'll give you the Master Sword. Now I suggest going back to every town to see their reaction to Dragonmaster Alex. If you go back to Burg, your parents will tell you that Laike brought Luna and Nall to Burg fifteen years ago. If you go back to Meribia, Ramus will give you the Rememberizer, which lets you see all the animation scenes that you have seen already. It's a very useful item indeed! You can also go through the forest leading to the women's spring in the Stadius Zone if you want. Just remember to save before you use the two soaps. ------------------------------------------ To the Frontier ------------------------------------------ Items found: Balloon Engine, Mia's Bromide 4. Once your finished, go to Myght's Tower and speak to him. The airship will be ready in the morning, so you'll go to sleep. Talk to all your party members and then you too will go to sleep. In the morning, your party is ready to go. Unfortunatly, Nash betrays everyone by admitting that he's been reporting to Ghaleon and blowing out the engine to the airship. Royce then appears and takes him away. Kyle comes up with a plan however. He tells them to get the engine from Shira's balloon. Myght protests, but 0002000009F600012BAB9F0,nothing can be done. Go now to Reza. First head to Iluk for another one of the bromides. The perverted man in the northeast house has it (what sick person makes these things?). Now go to Reza and the Thieve's Bazaar. Talk to the Guild Chief and then the guy with the balloon. Take the engine back to Myght. You'll find out that Shira was Myght's apprentice. Laike will arrive. Talk to everyone and you'll leave after you talk to Myght. Laike talks to Myght saying "I'm sorry you must undo what I have done..." (I have a feeling that he's Dyne...). ------------------------------------------ Talon ------------------------------------------ You'll fly by a giant tower, and the game tells you to insert disc 2. The airship will hit some sort of barrier. You'll have to land by a nerby town. The first thing you'll notice is a friendly monster. Explore the place. To find the mines, start outside and take the left path. Now go up and then up right. Take the middle path (like the guard says) and go into the door with the X on the sign. ------------------------------------------ Talon Mine ------------------------------------------ Items found: Angel's Tear, Devil Pendant, Fire Tiara, Healing Nut x3, Hell Armlet, Holy Robe, Protection Ring, Refresher Ring, Silver Light x2, Star Light. Enemies: Groper, Mecha Tank, Rock Biter, Stalker. This music again! Go up the ladder and go north to the next room. Go left and into the next doorway. Follow the path to treasure, then follow the path and go to the upper left most doorway. Now go up through the doorway and you'll see a treasure chest. Now go back down, then right and enter the staircase on the upper east side. Go right and up the ladder, then up the staircase. Take the treasure, then go back down the staircase and ladder, then go down the ladder to the left and into the doorway. Go in the next downway in the upper left corner. Now follow the path past the enemy and go in the doorway to the left. Take the treasure and go up. You'll find the miners here. The miners, and the other monsters in town too, seem to think that they'll get to go to the Blue Star if they support Ghaleon. Go in the next doorway and continue until you hear a rumbling. Someone will yell out for help. Go back and help him. Talk to the monster there and save the other one. A few guards will appear to attack after they realize who you are. Beat them (very easy) and then go north. Phacia will 0002000006300001359B62A,appear and talk to herself about your selfless bravery. Keep going north and to the sign. Go up the ladder and into the doorway that's coming up for treasure. Go out and down the ladder to the right. Follow the path to treasure, then go back to the sign. Take the right path into the doorway. Take the treasure and go back to the sign. Now go left and follow the path to the crossroads, and go up to find the Holy Robe. Now go right and in the next doorway to find more treasure. Go back to the crossroads and go to the left doorway. Fight the bugs and go out the doorway to find treasure. Now go back again to the crossroads and go right. Follow the path to the treasure. Now go up the ladder and follow the path going left. Go in the doorway for treasure, then go down the ladder and to the closest crossroads, and go up. Follow the path to treasure and go up. You'll be in a graveyard. Follow the path to a statue of Althena. The monster of whom you rescued is here and says that the only way the monsters can survive is to look up to the very Goddess they hate. Heal and go up. Equip the refresher ring on Jessica, then go up past the enemy and into the next room. It's quiet in here. The lights will go out. Mia and Jessica will have been captured by Xenobia. She wants Alex to fight Kyle. I suggest not attacking, but it really doesn't matter. Xenobia will tell you to use your true power against Alex or she'll kill Mia and Jessica. Kyle pretends that he doesn't care whether she lives or dies. Kyle and 0002000009F100013BC59EB,Jessica then get into an argument. Xenobia releases the seal she had on Mia and Jessica, and Kyle admits he was bluffing. She'll then send out... Shadow Spectre Have Alex start out using Vigor (twice if you think you need it), then Sword Dance. Have Mia use Power Drive on whoever you think will need it, then have her use Flame Bomb. Have Kyle use Power Up, then Power Slash. Have Jessica use Saint Litany, then have her heal or attack (whichever one you need). This Spectre has an attack, Black Bile, which mutes one of your characters (the Mute attack does wear off). It can also attack three times. Its Piercing Eyes attack will hurt everyone (and probably cut your party's HPs down by half). Just keep attacking, healing with Jessica, and use your healing items if needed. This battle isn't much to worry about. Jessica will congradulate Kyle and call him a thespian. They also start arguing again. Go back to the statue to heal, then follow the path leading outside. ------------------------------------------ Cadin ------------------------------------------ Go into this strange place. The door will be locked with a magic seal, so you'll have to look for another way in. Go back outside, then go into the green-egg like thing to the right. Follow the path inside and go into the egg-thing. You'll see coccons that talk to you. One says that Ghaleon with the Grindery will bring them to the Green Earth (which is the world where everyone's living now). Go up through the doorway and keep going where you'll find a monster. He says that you're in Cadin. You'll also see another statue of Althena. The monster will turn into Phacia. She tells you that the only way into Ruid is the hidden door to the left of the front gate. She tells you it can be opened with a password. The password is "Green Earth". Now go to Ruid. ------------------------------------------ Ruid ------------------------------------------ Items found: Dark Mace, Fortune Ring, Healing Nut, Silver Light x2, Star Light, Tri-Ring, Xenobia Bromide. Enemies: Baigen, Devastator, Flash Lord, Master Mirror. Go into the newly opened left door. Go into the left chamber and quickly to the right to trick the guard and grant you treasure (if this doesn't work just fight him). Go get the next treasure in the room above and to the left. Go up past the next two rooms and take the treasure in the right one above this. Go up and you'll see a monster. It will press a 000200000FFE000145B0FF8,button releasing more monsters (use a combo of Alex's Flash Cut and Mia's Flameria). Go right when you have the chance. Follow the path to the treasure, then go past the monsters to go outside. Go up from the tracks and take the two treasure chests in the building to the left. Now go up the tracks again and into the building to the right for treasure. Go down and follow the path. Kill the enemies and take the treausure. Go in the door and in the next door. Go to the right, in the door, and in the next door. The music stop and starts again. The save's name is "Taben's Tower". I wonder who we're going to see? Taben appears as expected and tells you of his creation, the Mobile Magic Masher. A familiar voice appears. Nash comes in with his new introduction music. Nall says that he looks like a giant chicken in his new magic-amplifying suit. He uses his thunder magic against everyone except Mia. She then slaps him and encourages him to stop. He realizes that what he was doing was wrong. Taben then controls Nash via remote control. Nash then, unwillingly, attacks the party. Magic Masher Fire works very well here. Anyway use your standard boss fighting procedure against him. Have Alex use Vigor once or twice, then attack with Sword Dance. Have Mia use Power Drive on perhaps Jessica, then have her use Flame Bomb. Have Kyle use Power Up, then Power Slash. Have Jessica use Saint Litany, followed by healing spells and regular attacks. Magic Masher will use Nash's Thunder Thrust, Thunderbolt, and Thunder Bomb attacks, which work pretty well in hurting your party. His regular attacks, however, suck by dealing a single 1 HP blow to one person. Taben leaves saying that it's time to reveal his greatest work, the Grindery (an armored castle that moves). You'll then forgive Nash (have Alex forgive him too) and you'll search for the activation room that controls the Grindery. Follow the path and you'll run into Magic Emperor Ghaleon. Taben will cause the Grindery to move. You'll see an animation scene of this. Exit this place and go back to the airship (Amazing, the monster that you fought are still dead! You can also exit via the main door which is south of the tracks). Exit the crater via the hole in the crater caused by the Grindery. Before you go back to the airship, go back to the miners. One will give you Xenobia Bromide (also one monster says that they feed them with Soylent Green and Nall says "Ahhh! Soylent Green is PEOPLE!". Just thought I should bring that up). Now you can go back to the airship. ------------------------------------------ Silver Spire ------------------------------------------ Items found: Mia's Bromide 2, Gale Ring, Ghaleon's Tear, Hell Ring. The Grindery is headed for Althena's Tower. You'll soon agree to go to Vane. Mia tells Lemia there that the only way to stop the Grindery is to use the true power of Vane. Nash is helping the people evacuate the city. You'll then have to enter the Silver Spire. Mia tells you to first get Nash. First go to the classroom to the right and talk to the only student there for Mia's Bromide 2. Well anyway, enjoy your last visit of Vane. Get Nash and go talk to Mia. She banishes the seal. Go in and to the circle in the middle of the floor. You'll enter a control room. You'll see the Grindery approaching in another animation scene. In the scene, Mia will command Vane and set up a barrier. Unfortunatly, Vane is no match and plummets to the ground. The shield around the Grindery was shattered. You'll have to enter it yourself to destroy it. Now I suggest doing anything else you where planing to do now, since you can't later. Go back to Lann and talk to the mayor for Ghaleon's Tear (don't give it to someone who attacks more than one, because he/she'll lose that ability with this item equiped). Go back to Reza and talk to Lily a couple of times for her to give you the Gale Ring. Go back to Damon (yes travel 000200000FF7000155A8FF1,back up his tower) for the Hell Ring (a good accessory for Alex). Whenever you're ready, go to the Grindery (stock up on the essentials:Healing Nuts and Star Lights). ---WARNING--- This is the last time you can travel via the Dragon Wings to any town or place that you've been to. Finish up anything you want to do(and maybe keep an extra save here). ------------------------------------------ Grindery Bowels ------------------------------------------ Items found: Angel Ring, Healing Nut x2, Silver Light x3, Stone Bracelet. Enemies: Death Armor, Elemental Master, Magic Machine, Soul Yanker, Tank Golem. You'll see the moving castle on the world map. Approach it and it'll open, releasing monsters. Dispatch these and another group will appear (one Thunder Thrust and Blizzard should do it for the Death Armors). After you destroy these more enemies will come, but arrows will wipe out some. Tempest will hold back the monsters while you enter. Go all the way to the right for treasure. If you evey have trouble with the enemies, you can always use Flash Cut. Now go in the pipe next to the treasure, pass or fight the enemies, and enter the next tube. Go up and left for more treasure. Go in the next tube, and you'll see the Red Dragon's foot. Go into the next tube to your right to go up a floor. Follow the path to treasure, then continue until you get to a crossroads. Go down, right, all the way down (you'll see something happening to the Blue Dragon in a pit), and left. Continue through the next tube on the bottom left to go up. Follow the path and you'll come across a pit with what looks like the Black Dragon connected to the Grindery. From the top right corner of the pit, go right and up for treasure. Now go left and up until you see two tubes. Take the left one and take the treasure. Now go left to the crossroads and go all the way to the left for treasure. Now go right and all the way down to go up to another floor. Go to the left, down, and go in the tube. Go in the left one, then follow the path until you find Quark. The Grindery is sucking the power out of the Dragons to fuel the Grindery. Continue left and take the treasure. Now go up the tube. You'll be in a garden called "My Secret Garden" surrounded by pixies. He captured and brought them here for some reason. Heal at the statue and go in the door. ------------------------------------------ Grindery Quarters ------------------------------------------ Items found: Healing Nut, Holy Bandanna, Insane Helmet, Phantom Ribbon, Star Light. Enemies: Archmage, Arrow Fish, Blyzzer, Bomb Angel. Go down, to the left, down again, and into the door on the right to go upstairs. Now go all the way to the right and up for treasure. Now go all the way to the left and down for treasure. Go back to the staircase and go north of it to another staircase. Now go right, down, all the way left for treasure, and up the staircase. Take the items in the treasure chests and go north. You'll find a locked door sealed with magic. Phacia will arrive, wounded, and open the door with an incantation ("Emena-Rena-Ena...Kofal-Rela-KURIDO!"). Xenobia and Royce will appear. Phacia will hold them back while you enter. You'll find Ghaleon here. You'll now fight him. Magic Emperor As you fight, a different and more positive melody plays. Have Alex use Vigor, then Sword Dance (you can use Dragon Protect if you want, since he does use magic). Make him use Dragon Healing if Jessica is put out of commision. Have Nash use Thunderbolt. Have Mia use Power Drive or Flame Bomb. Have Kyle use Power Up, then Power Slash. Have Jessica use Saint Litany, then heal whenever possible. Ghaleon can attack twice and use his spells that you're familiar of from when you had him in your party. This isn't as hard as you might think, but there's a reason for that... Ghaleon will disappear. Go north and you'll find Luna. Luna will 00020000065E00016599658,start laughing. She'll change her outfit and release some sort of magic-amplyfing device. You'll see another animation scene where she'll sing and Althena's Tower will rise up from the mountain. Ghaleon will appear and says that you defeated an illusion. He also says that Luna is Althena herself. Ghaleon awaked her power and claimed it for himself. He'll then fight you, but he stores his power for a blast that wipes out your party (even if you use Dragon Protect). He'll then depart for the fortress, while the Grindery gets destroyed. Nall will do something, and Alex will have a dream. ------------------------------------------ Althena's Sword ------------------------------------------ You'll wake up in Mel's Mansion. Nall says that the White Dragon Wings started to shine and took the party to Meribia. He's been asleep for three days. Alex also seemed to have changed back to his original clothes, even though he still has all the equipment. Go to Ramus' store and he tells you that if you put in the movie disc and press Up, Down, Left, Right, Triangle, then Start, you'll get something special. He'll also give you free items. Stock up on these and look for Nash and Kyle at the bar. Go back to Mia and Jessica, and they'll try to convince Nash and Kyle to fight. Go back to the bar and get your party members back. Then Laike will arrive and tell him that you'll fight. When you're ready talk to Laike to continue. Nall will transport everyone to Dyne's Monument. You'll then see another animation scene of Dyne, the Goddess, and Ghaleon. Althena will be 0002000009D300016BF19CD,born again as a human, while Ghaleon protests. Ghaleon tells him it's a mistake to spead Althena's powers throughout the world. You'll hear the song called Four Heros on the ocarina and track 18 on the CD. As Laike says, "Althena relinquished her power, placing the fate of her children in their own hands...". Laike then reveals that he's Dyne (I knew it!). Ghaleon wants to resurrect the Goddess and become a God. Laike/Dyne tells you to take the sword from the monument. You'll see another animation scene of Alex taking out the sword and becoming the Dragonmaster again. Nall then transforms into a White Dragon. He'll take you to Althena's Fortress, and you'll see yet another animation scene. The fortress is sucking the life out of the world, and you'll have to stop it. ------------------------------------------ Althena's Fortess ------------------------------------------ Items found: Aegis Robe, Angel's Tear, Dragon Cane, Holy Clothes, Holy Mace, Insane Armor, , Silver Light, Starlight Bow. Enemies: Death Warrior, Gades, Necromancer. Equip your new sword and walk in. Go up to the next room and you'll see some enemies. What you'll have to do here is kill the monsters to pass (Gades). Go to the right and keep going for treasure and the exit to this room. Now follow the path to the treasure chest, and keep going for more treasure. Kill the Necromancers here to procede. At the crossroads go up for treasure (you'll have to kill Necromancers to pass though) and then left for the exit. Follow the path and you'll see Luna. Something's wrong with her. She then casts a spell on the party and shows that she's really Royce. The only way to remove the spell is to defeat her. Now go upstairs and take the treasure. When you fight, you'll find out what Royce did to you. In my party, two people kept falling asleep. At the crossroads, go north for treasure and you'll also have to fight an enemy to leave. Now go all the way down for more treasure and more enemies. Now go towards the left and up the stairs. Fight the monsters to pass and go up to fight more monsters. Now go down to fight another monster, then go right for treasure. Now go up the stairs. Save and continue to meet Royce. She'll look into your future where everyone's dead. She'll now attack. Royce This is interesting music (track 17 I think). First of all, don't use fire based attacks. Have Alex use Vigor, then Sword Dance and 000200000645000175BE63F,Dragon Healing if Jessica can't handle it. Have Nash use his Thunderstorm. Have Mia use Power Drive, then Ice Lance. Have Kyle use his Power Up, then Power Slash. Have Jessica use Saint Litany and her healing spells when needed. Royce's Cross Bridge attack ("I've saved this just for you!") attacks in a linear fashion. Her Flame Bind will trap one of your characters, making them unable to move. Her Arch Flare attacks everyone with a blaze. Make sure Jessica doesn't run out of MP, and if she does have Alex heal or give her a Star Light. ------------------------------------------ Goddess Tower ------------------------------------------ Items found: Detonator Armlet, Insane Sword, Sage's Robe, Spook Armlet Enemies: Cannon Thug, Ring Horn, Stone Creep. Follow the opened door to a statue of Althenia. Keep going and you'll reach the Goddess Tower. You'll soon see four eyes on the floor, each representing the dragons. Go up and follow the white eyed path. Step on the green orb on the floor there. Now go to the left for the red path, then go to the blue, and finally the black path. Go through the door with the flashing green thing and enter the green portal. Now follow the transports in the same order as the dragons: White, Red, Blue, Black. You'll be given a useless clue: "Blue Dragon Helmet, Black Dragon Shield, Red Dragon Shield, and White Dragon Wings". Disregard this and go in the northwest portal, pick up the treasure and step on the switch, then the southwest one, the northeast one, and finally the southeast one. Now go to 0002000009E300017BFD9DD,the portal above the one that got you into this room. You'll be given another clue: "Smashing through the white iceษ Sprinting through the red flamesษ Swimming through the blue waterษ Sojourning the black earthษ". Instead, step on the switches in this order: Red, Black, White, Blue. This opens a passage above the black eye and go upstairs. It's strange that you'll hear the world map music here and see a statue of Althena. Heal at the statue and go upstairs. Make the monsters hit the energy fields below and go upstairs. Take the treasure and walk towards the next staircase. Go up and press the switch to cause a bridge to appear. Take the treasure and go upstairs again. Now go left and up the next staircase. Take the treasure and force the monster to open the barrier to go up the stairs. Go down and up the next staircase. Now you'll hear new music. Save and get ready to fight. Xenobia will appear and trap everyone in some sort of black orb. Everyone will face themselves and their fears. They will discourage your party members, until Nall comes to encourage them. Agree with him and your party will face their illusions. With Alex, have him run towards Luna no matter what your illusion says. Now you'll fight Xenobia. Xenobia Use the same technique I've used for most of the bosses on this one (the music sounds the same as Royce's music). Have Alex use Vigor, then Sword Dance. Make him use Dragon Healing if Jessica is knocked out. Have Nash use Thunderbolt. Have Mia use Power Drive or Flame Bomb. Have Kyle use Power Up, then Power Slash. Have Jessica use Saint Litany, then heal whenever possible. When Xenobia turns your party to stone, have Alex use his Dragon Healing to cure everyone. Her attacks are Aura Shot, which is a group attack, and Sonic Boom, which attacks everyone and stones them ("Your time has run out!"). Save your important items for the final boss coming up next. After killing her, go up all the way to find Ghaleon (save and have all your best items ready [and at least one angel tear per person]). You'll also see Luna here. She'll try to gather up all the power in the world and turn back into a goddess. Ghaleon expects Luna to submit to him rule, making him reign forever as a god. You'll now see another animation scene. You'll also fight Ghaleon one last time. If you win, you'll beat the game. Ghaleon This final boss attacks twice with his magic ("Time to 00020000061A000185DA614,die!" This can get quite annoying). Have Alex use Vigor twice, then Sword Dance and Dragon Healing if Jessica can't heal the party enough (you can also use Dragon Anger if you can spare the MPs). Have Nash use Thunderbolt. Have Mia use Flame Bomb and Power Drive. Have Kyle use Power Up, then Power Slash. Have Jessica use Saint Litany, then any healing spells deemed necessary (use Miracle Litany if someone dies). Use any item you want now, you won't need them later. Ghaleon uses his original spells and a few new ones. His Worm Crush attacks in a group. It's nothing that special though. His Siphon Soul will heal him, and hurt you. His Fate Storm will kill one of your party members (use those Angel's Tears). His Chaos Shield will summon a protector, that can be easily destroyed. His Hell Wave will hurt a portion of the group. Ghaleon still uses Rock N' Roll, Inferno, Nitro Dagger, and Tornado. It'll take a while, a long while, but Ghaleon will perish. Talk to everyone, even Ghaleon, and go up the stairs. Luna will attack you. Ghaleon will get up and say that he's already one. He says that Luna has regained her memories as the Goddess Althena and forgot about being reborn as a human. He'll then laugh and finally die. Now you'll have to walk up the stairs and use the ocarina. Luna will still attack and threaten you. Keep going anyway. Go up the stairs and you'll see another animation scene. Of course, Alex will save Luna and the world. ------------------------------------------ 0002000009FD00018BEE9F7,The End ------------------------------------------ Nall will rescue the party minus Alex and Luna. You'll see another animation scene of Althena's Fortress destroyed, and Alex and Luna's return. You'll then arrive in Meribia. Talk to everyone and pick up the rest of the bromides from Ramus. Whenever you're finished, talk to Laike saying that you're ready and the credits will pass. You'll also hear the outtakes from the game's english translators. Well thats about it... ______________________________________________________________________ 4. Song Lyrics and Music I've tried to piece together some of the songs from Lunar. This was originally done from what I have heard from the game and finished from what I've seen in the manual. --------------- Lyrics --------------- Opening Song Lyrics In your dreams, magical thoughts... all things are real unless you dream they're not. In your dreams, love is the plot carried on wings of hope... Each of our souls intertwine, when we do. Instantly we see it the time to grow and be it when everything is pinned on a hope. Let rise the dreams of your heart, then innocent youth, careless and kind Free to roam the breeze in love, only when two brilliantly shine as one... Boat Song Lyrics Wishing on a dream that seems far off Hoping it will come today. Into the starlit night, Foolish dreamers turn their gaze, Waiting on a shooting star. But, what if that star is not to come? Will their dreams fade to nothing? When the horizon darkens most, We all need to believe there is hope. Is an angel watching closely over me? Can there be a guiding light I've yet to see? I know my heart should guide me, but, There's a hole within my soul. What will fill this emptiness inside of me? Am I to be satisfied without knowing? I wish, then, for a chance to see, Now all I need, Is my star to come... ??? Track 9 ??? (Any help on this song is greatly appretiated) When all the land is peaceful and there is ?offered? to us at last Then comes a time for love, two hearts colliding into one great hymn. But there winds forboding and there is ??? Cause ?we my love, and go? the time for valor has returned again. All throught the night keep marching on. Fighting through the darkness on a ??? so we must press on. Friendship ?on to battle? watch your backs now Take heed. (Hey! Hey!) (Hey! Hey!) Come back to me... Fighting through the darkness on a ??? so we must press on. Flying toward the power that enslaves us ?if we're all not done?. 000200000FF5000195E5FEF,Racing through the climax of the valor to return to ? ??? it a power, ?evil forces Take heed. --------------- Music -------------- These music melodies can be played on Alex's ocarina whenever he learns them just by experiencing it. This list will feature the song and where it was found. I have marked the songs that I don't know or don't remember with question marks around the description. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fighting Spirits Regular Battle Bar The bar where you find Brett Stand and Fight Main Boss music Mysterious Party Arrival of a mysterious person (found when meeting Laike) Go Go Go! The fight with Ghaleon, Track 16 Fun Travelling World Map music Toward the Horizon Second world map music, track 5 on the CD Burg Pretty self-explanatory. Traffic One of the towns, I believe its Saith Street Corner Meryod Song of Blue Dragon The song of Lyton caused by Lyton Shrine Meribia Also pretty self-explanatory, Track 12 on the CD City of Magic Vane, the city of magic Thieves' Bazaar Reza In the Darkness ? I think from the forest ? Silent Place ??? Mysterious Cave A whole bunch of places (#2 favorite), Track 17 Dragon Cave Cave music Hurry Up! Ruid Breakthrough ?Goddess Tower? Brilliance Althena's Fortress Tumultuous Seas Hispaniola music , track 4 on the CD Silver Light Opening screen music Mourning Bell ?Sad music? Now the Story Begins Music when you start a new game (without talk) Have a Big Dream Ramus's and Myght's music Dragon--Holy Spirit When you encounter the White Dragon Dragon--Someday ?Alex wants to become a Dragonmaster? Mother Althena's Shrine Modern Boy ?Something near the end of the game? Four Heroes Your meeting with the last of the Four Heroes Darkness Come Evil arrives (Xenobia or the Magic Emperor usually) Fairy Rain ?familiar, but I still don't know Pretty Girl ??? Faster version of the world map music ??? It's Me! Kyle's song Magic Emperor Ghaleon Come on, guess Sadness Sad music After a certain betrayals Green Earth ??? Feeling of Fight Preparing to fight (Vile Tribe usually) Tamur Tamur, and Iluk Field Mist From the Weird Woods. Intrigue Vile Tribe's music Determination When Luna boards the boat, Track 11 Stand up to Destiny Preparing to fight something music Let the Wind Blow The balloon ride Solitary Wolf Tempest's and the village of Pao's music Reach for Front The airship's music, Track 19 Steel Movement The Grindery moving Fighters Preparing to enter the Grindery Broken Blade Death music The music of losing Relax ??? Recollection ? Sadder tone of the opening screen melody? Track 13 Machinery ??? Sounds like Steel Movement ??? Thoughts Far Away Alex's ocarina reaches Luna's prison w/other singers Winners Victory after a regular battle Victory Victory from a boss battle Fanfare Victory from ??? 0002000010050001A5D4FFF,Blue Dragon's... Messed up Blue Dragon's Song caused by monsters Wave Crest Waves Chirping Crickets Self-explanatory Magical Weapon Nash Magical Weapon Nash. Track 10 Ripples More Waves ----------------------------------- Music Soundtrack CD ----------------------------------- Total Tracks: 24 Running Time: 54:59 Please help here, because I don't know the names for these songs. Any help is appreciated. 1 Opening Song 2 A town? 3 Future World Map music? 4 Tumultuous Seas remix (Hispaniola).. 5 Toward the Horizon remix. 6 The end of the Demo music (it was a cinema scene) 7 The Vile Tribes' first appearance 8 ?Some was played at the end of the Making of Luna Disc? 9 ?Has lyrics?Help needed? 10 Magical Weapon Nash remix 11 Determination remix 12 Meribia remixed 13 ?Sad music, another remix of the opening music? 14 ??? 15 ?A mix of track 3? 16 Go Go Go! remix 17 A remixed version of Mysterious Cave (First heard in Meribian Sewers) 18 Four Heros remix 19 Airship music 20 ??? 21 Reza remix 22 ?Piano music? 23 Luna's Boat Song 24 Ending Music ______________________________________________________________________ 5. The Making of Luna This disc came with the game. This disc is bascially a movie disc that has the creaters of Lunar telling us what they did with the game. There's background music in the disc. It is bascially a stream video 30:06:18 (minutes/seconds/milliseconds) long. The cast includes: Japanese Staff Kei Shigema Scenario Writer Yoichi Miyaji CEO Game Arts, Inc. Toshiyuki Kubooka Character Design / Art Direction Showji Murahama CEO, Gonzo Animation Company Noriyuki Iwadare Composer Isao Mizoguchi Arranger / Lyricist American Staff Don Shirley VP of Marketing Working Designs, Inc. Victor Ireland President Working Designs, Inc. Tim Trzepacz Lead Programmer Working Designs, Inc. John Truitt Voice of Ghaleon Rhonda Gibson Speaking Voice of Luna Jackie Powers Voice of Nall Ashley Angel Voice of Alex Jenny Stigile Singing Voice of Luna This CD first tells us about the story and how it was translated for the U.S. audience. It also tells us of the changes from Sega CD to Playstation. The CD then tells us about the artwork involved. It then goes on discussing the songs and music from the game. The lyrics and translations of those are then discussed. The CD goes on to speak about the voices and the people who do them. This disc also has a mini game called "Lords of Lunar". This game features a pong-type game where your guarding a picture of a character in the game inside a bunch of blocks that disappear one by one when hit by the ball. Once one player loses, another ball appears. ______________________________________________________________________ 6. Weapons Key: A = Alex N = Nash Agil = Agility L = Luna J = Jessica Wis = Wisdom R = Ramus K = Kyle Lk = Luck ---------- Swords ---------- These metalic weapons are a classic genre of weapons for many RPGs. They are short range and usually used by the hero. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Effect Person (People) Description --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Althena's Sword Atk+75,#Attack+1 A Dragonmaster's blade Bastard Sword Atk +50 K Long battle sword 00020000064A0001B5D3644,Broad Sword Atk +21 A, K Wide and wicked Crystal Sword Atk +61 A Shimmering sword Dagger Atk +6 A, L, R, K Basic pointed weapon Dark Sword Atk +65 K Blade O' Evil Flame Sword Atk +49 A Forged in fire Great Sword Atk +55 A, K Really good weapon Ice Blade Atk +44 A Chilly cleaver Insane Sword Atk +70 K Cuts like crazy Long Sword Atk +16 A, K Lenght DOES matter Master Sword Atk +68 A Swordsman's weapon Saber Atk +26 A Dueling sword Samurai Blade Atk +38 A, K Hari-kari made easy Short Sword Atk +9 A, L, R, K Adventurer's blade Silver Sword Atk +33 A, K Shiny stabber Wind Sword Atk+60,Agil+5 K Blows enemies away --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Bows ---------- These long range weapons are essential for the Water Dragon from Meribian Sewers. They work the same way as magic in that you don't have to walk up to the monster to hit it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0002000009D20001BC179CC,Name Effect Person (People) Description --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle Bow Atk +20 L, R, N Arrow-flinging device Dream Bow Atk +66 N An enemy's nightmare Holy Bow Atk +56 N Death from above Sling Atk +4 Everyone Throws stones Small Bow Atk +10 L, R, N For archers on a budget Starlight Bow Atk +72 N Glows white and warm Stone Bow Atk +50 N Rock-solid aiming Poison Darts Atk +8 Everyone Pointy projectiles --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Canes ---------- These weapons can deliver magical damage with each attack. They work like the Maces. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Effect Person (People) Description --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragon Cane Atk +60 M Powerful bite Dream Cane Atk +34 L REM rod Ethereal Cane Atk +38 M, N Spiritual staff Fire Cane Atk + 28 M, N Casts fireballs. Fortune Cane Atk+16,Lk+10 L, M, N Good luck to carry it Ice Cane Atk +43 M, N Ice is nice Sage's Cane Atk+48,Wis+10 M, N Wise walking-stick Water Cane Atk +20 M, N Splash magic Wind Cane Atk+54,Agil+20 M Conjures gusts --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Maces ---------- These Maces, and one Flail, can only be used by Jesscia. These short range weapons look like canes, attack like canes, and bascially are blunt canes minus the magic (except elemental ones). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Effect Description --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 000200000FF00001C5E3FEA, Dark Mace Atk +52 Wicked magic Flail Atk +29 Whip it good Holy Mace Atk +68 Healing staff Ice Mace Atk +44 Freezing staff Judgment Mace Atk +54 Lest ye be judged Mace Atk +34 Iron club Water Mace Atk +50 Moist magic ______________________________________________________________________ 7. Protection Key: A = Alex N = Nash Endr = Magic Endr L = Luna J = Jessica Def = Defense R = Ramus K = Kyle ---------- Armor ---------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Effect Person(People) Description --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aegis Robe Def +33 M Imbued with magic Chain Mail Def +8, Endr + 5 A, K Linked Armor Cool Clothes Def +14, Endr +1 J Priestly formalwear Dark Armor Def +33 K Evil protection Dragon Armor Def +40 A Dragonmaster's armor Heavy Clothes Def +5 Everyone Bad - weather workwear Holy Armor Def +25 A, K Stronger than prayers Holy Clothes Def +34 J Althena's fave fabric! Holy Robe Def +29 M Blessedly informal Intelligent Robe Def +23 N, M Smart-looking garment Insane Armor Def +37, Endr +20 K Maddening metal Iron Armor Def +13 A Fortified metal Leather Armor Def +9 A, R , K Reinforced rawhide Leather Clothes Def +7 A, L, R, N Kinky, yet comfy Magic Robe Def +8 L, N, M, J Magically delicious Radiance Clothes Def +26 J Sacred robe Robe Def +11 L, N, M, J Thick cloth wear Sage's Clothes Def +22, Endr +3 J Ceremonial robe Sage's Robe Def +36 N Wise man's outfit Saint's Robe Def +26 M Delightful duds Silver Armor Def +29, Endr +10 A, K Light and strong Sorcerer's Robe Def +19 N, M Magic Guild attire Sprit Robe Def +31 N Sewed by sorcerers Steel Armor Def +21 A, K Stainless and shiny Peasant Clothes Def +3 Everyone Everyday apparel Purity Clothes Def +17, Endr +2 J Washed in holy water Wisdom Robe Def +27 N Knit with knowledge --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Helmets, Hats, and Hair Stuff ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Effect Person (People) Description --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bandanna Def +1 Everyone Lassos long locks Dark Helmet Def +1 K Black brain-bucket Dragon Bandanna Def +12 N A lovely length of linen Dragon Helmet Def +20 A Dragonmaster's helmet Fire Tiara Def +24 J Flaming headpiece Fruity Bandanna Def +6 N VERY colorful attire Hat Def +2 A, R, K Orange chinchilla fur Headband Def +2 L , M, J Keeps forehead dry Holy Bandanna Def +15 N Boosts wearer's magic 000200000FE10001D5CDFDB,Holy Hairpin Def +23 M Sacred scrunchie Holy Helmet Def +12 A, K Heavenly head-holder Insane Helmet Def +18 K Crazy cranium can Iron Helmet Def +5 A, R, K Solid skull shild Jade Hairpin Def +6 M, J For ladies only Lucky Bandanna Def +10, Luck +5 N Do ya feel lucky, punk? Rainbow Tiara Def +9 J Colorful crown Ruby Tiara Def +12 J Encrusted with gems Scarf Def +1 L, M, J Silky, soft, and warm Spook Hairpin Def +10, Wis +2 M Hairy-scary Sprit Bandanna Def +7, Wis +5 N Spiritual and silky Steel Helmet Def +19 A, K Absorbs noggin knocks Phantom Ribbon Def +17, Wis +6 M Haunted headpiece --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shields --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Effect Person (People) Description --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Shield Def +26 K Dusky defense Dragon Shield Def +20 A Dragonmaster's shield Garbage Can Lid Def +2 A, L, R, K Almost a shield Holy Shield Def +13 A, K Holy, not hole-y Iron Shield Def +7 A, R, K Heavy and easily dented Insane Shield Def +19 K Insane Shield Silver Shield Def +4 A, K Better than gold Steel Shield Def +10 A, K Deflects darn damage Wooden Shield Def +3 A, R, K Lumbering defense --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arm Equipment --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Effect Person (People) Description --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crystal Armlet Def +9 M, J Shimmering band Crystal Bracelet Def +10 N NOT cubic zirconia Detonator Armet Def +17 J Althena's armlet Dragon Armlet Def +12 M Beastly bracelet Fire Armlet Def +15 M Brighter than sunlight Hell Armlet Def +14 J Repels evil magic Iron Armlet Def +1 L, M, J Wrist guard Iron Bracelet Def +4 A, N, M, K Heavy gauntlet Jewel Bracelet Def +12, Wis +5 N Rainbow band Rainbow Armlet Def +9 J A circle of color Silver Armlet Def +7 M, J Sterling shielding Silver Bracelet Def + 3 A, N, K Shiny wrist-wrap Spook Armlet Def +18 M Don't be afraid Star Bracelet Def +14, Wis +10 N Heavenly hoop Steel Armlet Def +3 L, M, J Wrist reflector Stone Bracelet Def +26, Wis +15 N Rolling wrist-ring White Bracelet Def +8 N White is alright --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______________________________________________________________________ 8. Accessories: A = Alex N = Nash Endr = Magic Endr L = Luna M = Mia Agil = Agility R = Ramus --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Effect Description --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Angel Ring Def +1 One-time auto-resurrect 0002000006300001E5A862A,Barrier Ring Def +15, Endr +15 Raise magic resistance Chira's Tail Def +2, Agil +10 Increases agility Crystal Pendant Def +2, Wis +10 Increase spiritual power Devil Pendant Def + 2, Endr +10 Increase magic resistance Flame Ring Atk +1, Def+1 Def water & wind atk Fortune Ring Def +1, Luck +10 Increase luck Fresh Ring Def +1 Prevents conditions Gale Ring #Attack +1 Increase # of attacks Ghaleon's Tear Def +2 Attack all enemies Healing Ring Def +1 Recover HPs Hell Ring Def +1 Halves MP consumption Ice Pendant Def +2 Def thunder & fire atk Jess' Bromide 1 What To Wear? Jess' Bromide 3 Sleepy Smile Jess' Bromide 4 Hot in The Shade Luna's Bromide 1 Precious Ponytail Luna's Bromide 2 Wis +1 The Playful Wind Mia's Bromide 1 Def +1 Nash's Treasure Mia's Bromide 2 Short Shorts Mia's Bromide 3 Rise And Shine Mia's Bromide 4 Clean Yet Obscene Phacia's Bromide Birds And Legs Protection Ring Def +10 Increase defense Refresher Ring Def +1 Prevents conditions Royce's Bromide A Poisonous Beauty Shira's Tail Def +2, Range +8 Increase range Sprit Talisman Def +2 Halves all attacks Tri-Ring Def +1 Prevents status change 0002000009E90001EBD29E3,Wrath Ring Atk +10 Increase attack power Xenobia Bromide Cat Scratch Fever ______________________________________________________________________ 9. Items Angel's Tear Revives fainted characters Antidote Neutralizes poison Alex's Ocarina Melodic instrument Althena's Mirror Reflection of truth Application Magic Guild form Balloon Blueprint Airships for dummies Balloon Engine Shira's masterwork Cleansing Water Cures paralysis Dragon Diamond Priceless gem Dragon Necklace Tempest's gift Dragon Ring Symbol of heroism Dragon Wings Magical traveling tool Dragonfly Wing Escape dungeons Fluffy Bug So soft and cuddly! Healing Nut Restores plenty of HP Herb Restores a bit of HP Holy Water Recover conditions Old Notebook Password to the Spire Rememberizer View past adventures Sea Chart Detailed ocean map Silver Light Restores MP completely Soap Rope not included Star Light Restores a bit of MP Thieve's Crest Open locked chests! Thieves' Guide Damon's treasure ______________________________________________________________________ 10. Magic List Here's my Magic List, featuring the caster, MP used, effect, and what level you'll find them at. Key: (single = one enemy/ one ally) (group = may hit more than one if the enemy is in a close range to the original target) (all = everyone's included [ally or fiend]) (Begin with = the character began with the spell when I found him/her) (WD = after the second encounter with the White Dragon) (RD = after the encounter with the Red Dragon) (BluD = after the encounter with the Blue Dragon) (BlaD = after the second encounter with the Black Dragon) (BW = Begin With) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Magic MP Effect Level --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alex Sword Dance 6 Multi-hit attack (single) BW Explosion Staff 9 Pressure attack (group) Vigor 10 Increase atk power (single) 12 Flash Cut 18 Slices up enemies 18 Dragon Protect 60 Defend magic attack WD Dragon Anger 35 Searing firestorm RD Dragon Healing 40 Heals everyone BluD Dragon Grief 15 Dimension attack BlaD 000200000FE50001F5B5FDF, Luna Healing Song 4 Heal wounds (single) Purity Song 4 Recover condition (single) Temptation Song 8 Hypnotize Cascade Song 10 Encourage friends (Raises Atk and Def) Tranquil Song 15 Heal friends (all) Escape Song 10 Send enemies away (all) 12 Nash Thunder Bomb 6 Thunder attack (group) BW Stone 6 Turn to stone Confusion 7 Confuse 12 Magic Box 8 Suppress magic 15 Spark Ball 10 Paralyze enemies 18? Sleep 9 Hypnotize 20 Thunder Thrust 18 Fierce lightning (all) 23 Thunderbolt 15 Lightning (single) 34? Jessica Heal Litany 4 Recover HP (single) BW (16) Calm Litany 15 Recover HP (all) BW (16) Cleanse Litany 4 Cure condition BW (16) Escape Litany 20 Escape from dungeon BW (16) Saint Litany 12 Recover HP each turn (all) 25 Fear Litany 6 Drive away enemy (single) 27 Althenia Litany 10 Recover all HP (single) 31 Miracle Litany 20 Resurrect(single) 35 Mia Flame Circle 7 Fire pillars (group) BW (17) Ice Lance 5 Ice daggers (single) BW (17) Blizzard 10 Raging blizzard (all) BW (17) Ice Shell 11 Increase defense (single) BW (17) Ice Wall 15 Cold air 21 Flame Bomb 13 Throw fireball 24 Power Drive 11 Increase attack 27 Flameria 30 Fire storm 35 Ghaleon Inferno 14 Flame attack (all) BW Nitro Dagger 14 Cold air attack (all) BW Tornado 10 Tornado attack (all) BW Rock 'N' Roll 10 Earthquake attack (all) BW Kyle Power Slash 6 Skilled attack BW (19) Power Sweep 9 Sword swipe BW (19) Sonic Riser 14 Release weasel BW (19) Power Up 8 Increase attack BW (19) Tempest Flash Arrow 8 Arrow attack BW (34) Flash Wind 10 Wind attack BW (34) ______________________________________________________________________ 11. Enemy List Here's my enemy list. This lists the enemy and where it was found. Ambush (use FIRE) (uses Venom Gaze: attacks one person and can poison) Lost Woods Albino Baboon White Dragon Cave Ammonia - uses: Spin Rush ( a spin attack) Meribian Sewers Antorion Nanza Pass Aqua Genie (uses Aqua Stream: a water attack that hits in a line) Blue Dragon Shrine Archmage Grindery Quarters Arror Fish Grindery Quarters Baboon White Dragon Cave Baigen (uses Fire Kick: a flame based kick) Ruid Barrel Snake Lann Island Bat Knight Damon's Spire Black Dragon (boss) Black Dragon Cave Blood Lord - uses: Shot Lancer (attacks one [for me 50 damage]) Crystal Tower Blood Slime (use ICE) (uses Flame Rush: a flame-spin attack) Red Dragon Cave Blyzzer Grindery Quarters Bob Goblin Lyton Shrine Bomb Angel Grindery Quarters Brain Licker (don't use magic or magical weapons) Meryod Woods Brainpicker (use magic) (it uses Brain Bomb: a group attack) Lyton Shrine Bronze Dog Red Dragon Cave Burner (attacks twice) (use ICE) Red Dragon Cave Carapace Knight Tamur Pass Chaos Fiend Black Dragon Cave Chrono Gorgon (don't use magic or magical weapons) Meryod Woods 000200000FFB00020594FF5, D Master Zoc (boss) Lann Island Dark Sorcerer (strong against magic, weak against sword attacks) (uses White Wave: a magic attack) Tamur Pass Death Armor Grindery Bowels Death Mutt Nanza Pass Death Shroom Cave of Trial Death Warrior (uses Shot Lancer: a single attack) Althena's Fort Devastator (attacks twice) (uses Heavy Cannon: attacks all with a blast of light) Ruid Electro Eye (use FIRE) (it uses Vicious Eye: a single attack) Lyton Shrine Elemental Master Grindery Bowels Evil Wisp Meribian Sewers Fatal Hopper Meribian Sewers Fire Elemental (use ICE) (can paralyze you) Red Dragon Cave Flash Lord (uses Thunder Mesh: a lightning attack that hurts a group) Ruid Fluffy Bug (runs away Iluk Field Fly Devil (pretty powerful little flies...) Iluk Field Flytrapper Weird Woods Gades Althena's Fort Gargoyle Meribia Gelatin (attacks twice) (use THUNDER or FIRE) Blue Dragon Shrine Giga Ant Lyton Shrine Giga Wasp Nanza Pass Goblin Weird Woods Gorgon Weird Woods Graggen (don't use magic or magical weapons) Meryod Woods Great Hornet (uses Needle Shot: stings you and can poison you) Tamur Pass Groper (can confuse you) Talon Mine Guardian Meribia Gunfoot - uses: Sorcery Light (a beam of light that hits all) Cave of Trial Hell Raiser (strong against fighting, weak against magic) Black Dragon Cave Ice Mongrel Cave of Trial Ice Pup (use FIRE) (uses Throwing Guts: a little snake-thing attacks you) (attacks three times) Tamur Pass Kill Roller (use regular attacks) (Likes to turn party members into stone ) Damon's Spire Killer Buzz (don't use magic or magical weapons, and finish off quickly) Meryod Woods Killer Fly Old Hag's Forest Killer Shroom (use FIRE) (uses Para Spore: can paralyze you) Lost Woods Killer Wasp Old Hag's Forest Magic Emperor (boss) Grindery Quarters Magic Hat (use Alex's Sword Dance, nothing else hurts it) Myght's Tower Magic Machine (can paralyze you) Grindery Bowels Magic Masher (boss) Taben's Tower Man Eater Iluk Field Mantle Rapper Old Hag's Forest Master Mirror Ruid Mecha Star (uses Chase Bomb: attacks you) Myght's Tower Mecha Tank Talon Mine Monocrop -uses: Paralyze Gaze (Paralyzes you) Lann Island Monster Wasp Lost Woods Mud Cyclops Nanza Pass Mummy (use Magic, attacks won't work) (attacks twice) Damon's Spire Mutant Ant Old Hag's Forest Mutant Fly White Dragon Cave Necromancer Althena's Fort Neutronitor - uses: Star Blast (hits everyone) Crystal Tower Nipple Yanker (uses Sorcery Flame: A fire attack aimed at one person) (strong against magic, weak against fighting) Black Dragon Cave Nightmare Lann Island Octo Plant (use FIRE) (uses Sleep Fang: can put you to sleep) Tamur Pass Plasma Fiend Crystal Tower Plasma Prism (uses Laser: attacks one person) Myght's Tower Puffy Bug (likes to put you to sleep) Iluk Field Razor Wolf (use THUNDER or FIRE) (uses Spin Rush when it spins: attacks everyone) Blue Dragon Shrine Reflector - uses: Mirror Ray (shoots a beam at one of you) Crystal Tower Rock Biter Talon Mine Rook Meribia Rufus (use only physical magic attacks ex: something with a sword) Damon's Spire Saline Slimer (boss) Hispaniola Scorpion Red Dragon CaveMaster Nanza Scythe Spore Weird Woods Shadow Lord Meribia Shadow Spectre (boss) Talon Mine Shrieker (use FIRE) (uses Para Spore: paralyzes you) Tamur Pass Slice O' Dead (can attack everyone) Black Dragon Cave Slime White Dragon Cave Slumber Moth Cave of Trial Snake Meribian Sewers Soul Yanker Grindery Bowels Stalker Talon Mine Synapse Guard White Dragon Cave Tank Golem Grindery Bowels The Deep - uses: Absorb (feeds on your HPs) Lann Island Tormentor (uses Slow Head: attacks someone) Myght's Tower Truffle Troubler (boss) Cave of Trial Ultragoyle Crystal Tower Vile Crustacean (boss) Vane Water Dragon (boss) Meribian Sewers Water Elemental (use THUNDER or FIRE) (can Mute you) Blue Dragon Shrine Yeti (use FIRE) (uses Rock Shot: ferociously attacks one party member) Lost Woods ______________________________________________________________________ 12. Red Chest Locations 0002000006420002158963C, These chests have been bothering me for a long time. This list will tell you where they are found and what they have. The Thief's Crest has the secret of opening these (don't worry, this item is forced upon you later in the game). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Town Item Where --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Burg Garbage Can Lid Ramus' house Weird Woods Wrath Ring Northeast corner of the forest (hidden in the trees) Old Hag's Forest Silver Light Downstair in the corner. Saith Protection Ring Upstairs in the lower left house. Merbia 1000 silver. The middle house of three on the bottom left side. Merbia Sewers Silver Light The basement to Mel's mansion, last section of sewers. Cave of Trial Soap Hiding on the level below all the travelers Nanza Crystal Pendant Lower left corner of the basement, next to five beds. Reza Silver Light Top left between a tree and a house. Meryod Forest Fortune Ring Almost completly conceled behind a tree northwest. Meryod Silver Light Hidden behind the lowest left house. ______________________________________________________________________ 13. Bromides These bromides feature a picture of a woman of whom its named after. Some of these are hard to get, and disappear if you can't find them 0002000009E700021BC59E1,at the right time. If there's any that I missed please e-mail me (Somebody please tell me how to get Jess' Bromide 2 w/o gameshark). Mia's Bromide 1 Nash is equiped with it when you get him in the Old Hag's Forest. Phacia's Bromide Found after you recue Luna from the Crystal Tower. The woman in Althenia's Shine has it. Luna's Bromide 2 Found after Luna is kidnapped by the Magic Emperor. It's located in the bookself in the basement of Alex's house. Royce's Bromide Found on Black Rose Street after Mel has turned to stone. Jess' Bromide 4 Found in Kyle's bed after Xenobia disappears from Nanza. Jess' Bromide 1 Found after talking to the person in Althena's Shine twice (sometime after you lose the White Dragon Wings). Mia's Bromide 4 Talk to the man in the northeastern house in Iluk after Nash destroys the engine to the airship. Xenobia Bromide Go back to Talon Mines after the Grindery leaves and talk to one of the miners. Mia's Bromide 2 Talk to the student in the right most classroom of Vane before you go to the Silver Spire. Luna's Bromide 1 Given to you for free by Ramus after Ghaleon is no more Mia's Bromide 3 By it from Ramus after the fall of Ghaleon Jess' Bromide 3 Purchase this from Ramus after you defeat Ghaleon Jessี Bromide 2 It is supposed to be found by the person by the docks in Lann after Alex becomes a Dragonmaster (someone from AM told me this), but I never got it. ______________________________________________________________________ 14. Rememberizer / Movie Descriptions These movies tell the story of Lunar. They can be recalled using the rememberizer. I've listed here what happened in each scene and how long each was. ----------------------- LUNAR Opening ----------------------- 2:00:64 This is the opening to Lunar, complete with opening music. The lyrics are in the song section. This basically shows some scenes that appear throughout the game. ------------------------------- Alex at the Monument ------------------------------- 0:45:33 Alex: "Oh, hello Nall!" Nall: "Alex, couldn't you hear me? I've been flying all over for the last half hour calling for you, but, I should've known you'd be here." Alex: "Oh, Nall! Where else would I be?" Ocarina music plays through the rest of this scene... Nall reads from Dyne's Monument... "In honor of the great Dragonmaster Dyne. I know that Dyne 000200000641000225A663B,was probably the greatest of the Four Heroes, Alex, but I'm amazed that you never get tired of coming to stare at his dull monument. Oh, shoot! I just remembered... we'd better meet Luna to practice singing. If we're late, she'll be upset..." ---------------------------------- Ramus Shows His Stripes ---------------------------------- 0:23:25 Spoken fast and with enthusiasm. Ramus: "Hey, Alex! I figured you might be here. Now that the warm weather has melted the ice near the dragon's cave, there isn't any time to waste getting started on our big adventure. If we hurry, we may be able to sneak in without waking the dragon. Then we can get a fantastically huge diamond from its lair worth thousands and thousands of silver, making us filthy stinking rich and very popular in the process!" -------------------------- Luna at the Springs -------------------------- 1:34:93 The scene starts from what Alex sees as he enters the springs. You'll hear someone singing, then you'll actually see Luna. After she's finished, you'll see Alex playing his ocarina. Luna: "Alex. You're late again, silly. Were you whittling away the morning at Dyne's Monument again, or were you planning more make believe adventures with Ramus?" --------------------- Quark Awakens --------------------- 1:17:54 You'll hear an eccoing voice... Quark: "Who has awakened me from my deep slumber?" Then you'll see a White Dragon arising and growling, then he smells you and says... Quark: "My friends, you are the first adventurers to visit me in a long 0002000009E300022BE19DD,time. I am Quark, patriarch (?) of the Dragon Tribe. You have journeyed far, and now you have arrived at my lair. It's a journey few have survived. Your mission must be urgent." ------------------ Luna's Dream ------------------ 0:17:38 This is basically a flashback scene of moments of A Goddess Reborn. Dyne holds a baby... -------------------------- Laike's Introduction -------------------------- 0:37:01 Drumroll... Laike: "What a hapless bunch you are! You're lucky I happened to come along when I did. Didn't you know that these woods were ridiculously dangerous for ordinary travelers? Are you lost, or out for a picnic? I guess the party inaudibly responds... Laike: "What?! An adventure?" He then chuckles at first, then laughes maniacally for some reason. ------------------------- Nash and His Hair ------------------------ 0:27:30 Someone appears spinning a comb. You'll then see Nash combing his hair, and he puts the comb away. Nash: "Hey there, kiddies! My name's Nash! I'm a level three apprentice from the famous Magic City of Vane that floats around the Goddess Tower. The area around the Sea Hag's house can be a little tricky, so be sure to watch your step around here, okay? ---------------- On the Boat ---------------- 2:34:24 This is Luna's Boat Song (the lyrics are in the songs section). Alex and Nall secretly watch as Luna sings on the crow's-nest of the Hispaniola. The scene goes from Alex, to the Blue Star, to Luna and the night bugs. She then sings. The scene finishes with Alex looking at her. ----------------------- Arrival in Meribia ----------------------- 0:12:05 The party is looking at a still picture of Meribia's docks that moves up and down. Nall: "Look Alex! Look at all the ships and the huge town! Meribia is even more splendid than I imagined!" ------------------- Hail, Hell Mel ------------------- 0:31:68 Master Mel appears and you'll see him standing in front of an ax (that must hurt). Mel: "I'm Mel de Alkirk, governor of Meribia. Since you're new here, I'll warn ya. If you dare to make any sort o trouble in my town, I'll pop your tiny little heads off your twikky little necks and mount them on me trophy wall." He then laughes maniacally, for some strange reason. ----------------------------- Royce's Introduction ---------------------------- 0:43:09 You'll see a woman hovering her hand over a crystal ball. Royce: "We seem to have guests, but I welcome those pursuing knowledge, as 000200000E9C000235BEE96,always. For you see, I am a student of knowledge: past, present, and future. I can foretell many things in the future. So. Let's see your future. That's why you came to me today, isn't it? ------------------- Facing Phacia ------------------- 0:30:18 Phacia appears. Phacia: "Good day to you all. I am Phacia, head priestess of the temple of the Goddess. I have received word that you are on a journey to become the new Dragonmaster, Alex! I pray that you choose to stay in Vane and become the guardian of Althena, for as you know, we haven't had a Dragonmaster since the days of Dyne came to an end... ----------------------------- The Magic City, Vane ----------------------------- 0:25:60 The scene starts on the ground facing Althena's Shrine. It then pans upward to the floating city of Vane. It comes to a close showing the city from a birds-eye-view. -------------------------------- A Mysterious Musician -------------------------------- 0:37:76 The mysterious musician is interrupted and puts his guitar down. Luna: "Oh! I'm so sorry I interrupted! You see I heard the music and I, well, I thought it was Alex that was playing." MM: "Mmm... it's... no bother." Luna looks embarrassed and the scene switches to a shot of both of them, at a respectable distance. This is one of his voices that I personally do not like. ----------------------------- Mia Stays Composed ----------------------------- 0:51:52 You'll hear Mia's music, and see here getting off her bed and heading toward you... Mia: "I'm sorry. I cannot go to the magic school today. I'm... not feeling well. Oh! I'm so sorry! I mistook you for a messenger of my mother's. Um... my name is Mia. Mia Ausa. May I ask your name?" ---------- ---------- 0:42:13 Ghaleon stand before a window. He then looks at you through his traditionally evil red reptilian eyes. Ghaleon: "Welcome to the Magic Guild of Vane, Alex of Burg. I am Ghaleon, premier of the Guild. My apprentice Nash speaks quite highly of you, boy. He said you passed the trial of the White Dragon. If that's true, then perhaps you can... help me." ------------------- Enter the Kyle ------------------- 0:41:06 Kyle sleeps on the floor of Nanza prison. A giant bubble (whats with this?) appear on his face. As it gets larger, it pops as expected. He then wakes up... Kyle: "What a night! Kyle had himself another night of wine, women, and song! Just between you and me, I think I had a little too much of the wine. But the women didn't complain." He then passes out again. -------------------- Jessica Speaks -------------------- 0:28:58 Jessica appears stading on a box(same drums as Mel had). Jessica: "Hmm... Oh! When did you come in? You weren't here before. Did you come after hearing of the trouble here? I think this Dragonmaster is a fake! In fact, I bet he's even a bigger phony than my former boyfriend. A good fight is just the ticket to get over that rat! So let's go find this fraud and show him who's boss!" ----------------- Lemia Ausa? ----------------- 0:33:06 The crest of the Magic Guild of Vane appears. Then Lemia comes in... Lemia: "I am Lemia Ausa, governess of the Magic Guild. I have heard you seek the Dragons. I see the strength of your will in this regard in your eyes, and I sense something else. I sense... evil. You seek to destroy the Magic Guild, and Althena!" ------------------------- A Trinity of Terror ------------------------- 1:00:80 The fake Lemia, Phacia, and Royce jump into a pillar of flames. Xenobia, Phacia, and Royce each respectively appear out of it in a close up. Then 0002000017E60002445417DF,you'll see all three. Music from Track 7 now appears. Xenobia: "I am Xenobia, a descendant of the forgotten Vile Tribe, the innocents Althena callously pushed out beyond the wastelands of the Frontier." Royce: "I warned you I could see many things. Unfortunately, I have now foreseen your demise. Too bad you had to get involved." Phacia: "We didn't expect you to get this far, young Alex. It's been quite a revelation, but you never can tell when luck like yours, will run out." ------------------------ Ghaleon vs Quark ------------------------ 1:49:22 The Magic Emperor appears. Ghaleon: "Not Ghaleon, dear Quark. Magic Emperor Ghaleon!" Alex: "Magic Emperor!? Luna: "Ghaleon, no!" Ghaleon: "Oh, no! Ghaleon... yes! Someday people may mourn this day, but my glorious rule can only begin with your enslavement." He then casts a magic globe around Quark that shrinks to the size of a small ball that Ghaleon grasps. Ghaleon: "Quark shall be the cornerstone of a new order. My world order, but... who shall be my queen? The scene then closes up on Luna's shocked face. -------------------------- La Kyle Aux Follies -------------------------- 0:31:14 The scene starts off on a close up of some woman. Woman: "Oh, pardon my heels! What's the world coming to when a decent lady has to be so vulgar to protect herself? And now let's end this cheap charade." She/he then takes off the costume while jumping upwards, thus revealing that he's really Kyle. Kyle: "You and your boys need to learn some manners, sweetcheeks." ------------------------ Red Dragon's Gift ------------------------ 0:06:50 The Dragon's shield appears. That's it. ------------------------- Hindenburg Redux ------------------------- 0:20:05 This is basically one picture spun around many times. They also say something, but I couldn't tell who was saying what, or what they were saying. ---------------------------- Blue Shrine Revealed ---------------------------- Basically, the Blue Shrine is revealed. A spiral of water appears at first. Then out of the center, the Blue Shrine appears. ------------------------ Blue Dragon's Gift ------------------------ The Dragon Helmet. With some sort of achievement music. ------------------------------ Saviors on Horseback ------------------------------ You'll see Fresca, then Tempest as they ride off. ------------------------ Myght's Irritation ------------------------ Myght appears first looking at you through a magnifing glass. Myght: "Is there something wrong with your eyes? Didn't you see the signs warning about the cranky, stinky, rude genius? Well, that's me, Myght! I hate noise, interruptions,and people! You're trespassing! Go away! He then procedes to pass his gas. ------------------------------ Tempest's Indignation ------------------------------ Tempest and Fresca appears... Tempest: "We are of the Plains Tribe. I am Tempest and this is Fresca. That man was trying to sell fake medicine to the desparate people here. He knowingly lied for profit! It is the rule of the praire to execute liers. Why do you interfere with our tribal affairs!? Are you a thief as well!? ---------------------------- A Frightening Dream ---------------------------- Luna appears, and drowns in a sea of blood. The scene has Luna huming at first... Luna: "Alex! Alex!" -------------------------- Black Dragon's Gift -------------------------- The Dragon Armor, followed by the usual achievement music. ----------------------------- A Dragonmaster Born ----------------------------- Alex slowly changes into the Dragonmaster. --------------------------- To the Dark Frontier --------------------------- The airship approaches Ruid. Nall: "Alex, look at the size of that tower! Is Luna really in there?" Alex: "She's in there... and so is Ghaleon." -----End of Disc 1----- --------------------------------- The Grindery Unleashed --------------------------------- ----------------------------- Vane vs The Grindery ----------------------------- ------------------------- The Dark Goddess ------------------------- The evil Luna appears. Luna: าYou shouldnีt have interfered. Havenีt you figured it out? Thereีs no way to stop this!ำ Alex: าLuna?ำ Luna starts to sing an evil song. Alex: าLuna, what are you doing?ำ The Dragons appear with glowing eyes. Luna summons some type of wave, then a beam of light that attacks Althenaีs Tower. The Tower is restored to its full glory from under the mountain and it rises up into the sky similar to Vane. Kyle: าWhat happened to the Goddess Tower?ำ Mia: าThis canีt be real!ำ Alex: าOh my Godษำ Ghaleon: าAmazing isnีt it? Behold the long forgotten Fortress of Althena.ำ Kyle: าThatีs the voice of Ghaleon!ำ Jessica: าImpossible.ำ Ghaleon and Luna appear together. Alex: าGhaleon?ำ -------------------------- A Goddess Reborn -------------------------- --------------------------------- A Dragonmaster Reborn --------------------------------- ----------------------------------- Ascent To Althena's City ----------------------------------- -------------------------- Ghaleon Descends -------------------------- -------------------- Warm Embrace -------------------- ---------------------- The Green Earth ---------------------- ______________________________________________________________________ 15. Conclusion Of course, since this is a FAQ, it is automatically protected by international Copyright law, so please don't steal my work. You may use it, however, if you give credit to where credit is due. I would like to take this time to thank Nate Hartman for the help on getting the levels up to 12 (demo), and thus getting my party new spells. I thank Working Designs for the translation of this game. I also thank Electronics Boutique for selling me the game even though I pre-ordered it somewhere else and there was a problem with shipping. I hope this guide helps anyone. ______________________________________________________________________ 00040000000F000000030125C35100050000000C00000002025C350000600000062000000020มC310‚‚มFFFF0‚C00000ย 20ยม ‚‚ม10C310‚‚มFFFF0‚C00000ย 10ยม ‚‚ม000700000018000000010ย‚20ย180‚ม00080000012D0000000240,Geneva40,4030ย 1040,Monaco40,4040ย 10000900000017000000022‚1181FF2‚1181FF000A00000021000000022‚7FFFFFFF1FF2‚7FFFFFFF1FF000B00000005000000020ย000C000000100000000125C330ย‚‚1000F000000200000000050ย 10ย ‚ยมยม‚‚มย00130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-.ฆนฐญญ.'"ิีาำษษFFFF0FFFF001280000000D0000000125C35‚0ม‚01290000000D0000000125C35‚0ม‚