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Mattsen 0002000009C3000006319BD, This FAQ is for private and personal use only. It can only be reproduced electronically as long as you give credit to the author (me). Please contact me at WLDNCRZY14@hotmail.com if you wish to add this to your web page. Do not change this document in any way except possibly to add HTML in the form of banners or whatever is necessary for your site but you may not add HTML in the content of the document. Thank you. Ver. 1.0 Hello to all of you aspiring Master Chefs. This FAQ is a cookbook of how to make the wonderful dishes of Star Ocean: The Second Story. This will give an overview of the dishes made with normal ingredients in the skills of Cooking and Master Chef. Also, there will be a list of the dishes made with the special ingredients received by winning the Master Cooking contest in Fun City. Now, lets get to the food, shall we? COOKING ------- First of all, to get the cooking skill you need the skills Kitchen Knife, Recipe, and Good Eye. A Sense of Taste talent always helps too. The All-Purpose knife found in the second half of the game also improves your chances of producing a good dish. The required items for cooking are Meat, Seafood, Eggs/Dairy Products, Fruit, Vegetables, or Grain. Dishes marked with a * indicate failed dishes. Dishes marked with a ** indicate dishes that can only be prepared by the adult characters (Ashton, Bowman, Celine, Chisato, Dias, Ernest, Noel, Opera). The different dishes you can get by cooking with: Seafood: Big Tuna--Restores HP 45% ((Noel's Favorite)) Broth--Restores MP 30% Salmon Omelet--Restores HP 29% Seaweed Miso Soup--Restores MP 20% Shark Fin Soup--Restores MP 40% Shrimp Au Gratin--Restores HP 26% Shrimp Pilaf--Restores HP 30% Shu-Mai--Restores HP 10% Sole and Fruit Sauce--Restores HP 22% Toro Tuna--Restores HP 20% Rotten Sashimi* Meat: Baby Rabbit Risotto--Restores HP 35% ((Celine's Favorite)) Beef Croquettes--Restores HP 30% Chicken Doria--Restores HP 48% Chicken Skewers--Restores HP 5% ((Dias' Favorite)) Ground Lamb Steak--Restores HP 40% Hamburger--Restores HP 19% ((Ashton's Favorite)) Jambalaya--Restores HP 46% Meat Dumpling--Restores HP 22% Potstickers--Restores HP 19% 000200000A6B00000FEEA65, Steak--Restores HP 50% ((Claude's Favorite)) Bad-Tasting Stew* Grain: Daikon Miso Soup--Restores MP 10% ((Bowman's Favorite)) Fried Rice--Restores HP 26% Gruel--Restores HP 10% Hassaku Tea**--Restores MP 40% ((Ernest's Favorite)) Ishidaya Tea**--Restores MP 60% Pancakes--Restores HP 23% Rice Cakes--Restores HP 19% Rice Croquettes--Restores HP 12% Rice Omelet--Restores HP 20% Root Beer**--Restores MP 35% Shrimp Doria--Restores HP 21% Sweet Dumpling--Restores HP 12% Soy Milk--Restores MP 10% Usunigori Tea**--Restores MP 45% Yaegaki Tea**--Restores MP 50% Yukiyucho Tea**--Restores MP 55% Smelly Rice Cakes* Sambai Tea* ** Fruit: Aged Berry Juice--Cures All Status Abnormalities Apple Cider--Restores MP 40% ((Opera's Favorite)) Apple Crepes--Restores HP 15% Banana Crepes--Restores HP 18% Berry Juice--Restores MP 5% Orangeade--Restores MP 10% Orange Au Gratin--Restores HP 21% Orange Sherbet--Restores HP 10% Peach Ice Cream--Restores HP 10% Pickled Plum--Restores HP 2% Strawberry Mousse--Restores HP 14% Bitter Juice* Vegetables: Cabbage Roll--Restores HP 26% Carrot Ice Cream--Restores HP 12% Carrot Juice--Restores MP 13% ((Leon's Favorite)) Corn Potage--Restores MP 20% Green Potage--Restores MP 25% Quick Pickles--Restores HP 5% Rice-Bran Pickles--Restores HP 6% Spring Rolls--Restores HP 20% Squash Croquettes--Restores HP 22% Squash Spring Rolls--Restores HP 28% Vegetable Juice--Restores MP 26% Wilted Salad* Egg/Dairy: Bacon and Eggs--Restores HP 20% Chocolate Crepes--Restores HP 22% ((Precis' Favorite)) Custard Pudding--Restores HP 15% Egg Sandwich--Restores HP 19% Fried Eggs--Restores HP 18% Fruit Smoothie--Restores MP 8% Macaroni Au Gratin--Restores HP 10% Shortcake--Restores HP 16% ((Rena's Favorite)) Vanilla Ice Cream--Restores HP 10% Yogurt--Restores HP 5% Raw Milk* Spicy Cake* That completes our section on regular cooking. MASTER CHEF ----------- Now our next section is about the dishes you can create using the Super 0002000010C800001A5310C1,Specialty 'Master Chef'. The great thing about Master Chef is that you can mix 2 ingredients to create a dish. Also, these dishes have great resale value. Now, the required specialties for Master Chef are Compounding and Cooking and leveling up in Biology and Kitchen Knife bring the level up. Here are the dishes: Egg/Dairy+Egg/Dairy: Plain Omelet--Restores HP 66% Egg/Dairy+Fruit: Coconut Milk--Cures Status Abnormalities Egg/Dairy+Grain: French Toast--Restores MP 55% Egg/Dairy+Meat: Creamed Stew--Restores HP 70% Egg/Dairy+Seafood: Steamed Aspic--Restores HP 50% Egg/Dairy+Vegetables: Yogurt Salad--Restores HP 10%/cures Poison Fruit+Fruit: Pear Compote--Cures Status Abnormalities Fruit+Grain: Strawberry Mochi--Restores HP 55% Fruit+Meat: Muscat Grape Jelly--Cures Poison Fruit+Seafood: Sole & Wine Sauce--Restores HP 60% Fruit+Vegetables: Konyaku Jelly--Restores HP 40% Grain+Grain: Sweet Rice Cakes--Restores HP 80% Grain+Meat: Meat Fried Rice--Restores HP 60% Grain+Seafood: Shark Potstickers--Restores HP 70% Grain+Vegetables: Sake Lees Pickles--+ HP 10%/cures paralysis Meat+Meat: Sirloin Steak--Restores HP 80% Meat+Seafood: Bird's Nest Soup--Restores MP 70% Meat+Vegetables: Peking Duck--Restores HP 70% Seafood+Seafood: Sashimi--Restores HP 70% Seafood+Vegetables: Mushroom Soup--Restores MP 66% Vegetables+Vegetables: Fried Vegetables--Restores HP 50% RARE INGREDIENTS ---------------- This section is about the dishes you can create with the rare ingredients that you can obtain by winning the Cooking Master contest at Fun City. The dishes produced are great for healing and great for selling. Each ingredient has 4 dishes that can be made from it. Here they are: Creamy Cheese: Assorted Cheeses--Restores HP 70% Au Gratin Climax--Restores HP 68% Cheese Pizza--Restores HP 68% Gorgonzola--Restores HP 70% Ganze Sea Urchin: Ichigoni--Restores MP 90% Ichigoni Supreme--Restores MP 90% Prince's Zoni Stew--Restores HP and MP 60% Sea Urchin on Rice--Restores HP and MP 100% Jiggly Slime: Amoeba Soup--Restores MP 68% Gelatin Steak--Restores MP 60% Slime Jelly--Restores MP 60% Soda Pop--Restores MP 30% Juicy Beef: Exciting Tenderloin--Restores HP 70% Fine Saute--Restores HP 70% Inviting Filet--Restores HP 100% Prime Sirloin--Restores HP 80% Magical Rice: Deluxe Doria--Restores HP 88% Heavenly Doria--Restores HP and MP 100% Miracle Fried Rice--Restores HP 75% Risotto Ecstasy--Restores HP and MP 80% Prime Tuna: Fish of Happiness--Restores HP 70% Prime Tuna Steak--Restores HP 80% Special Tuna--Restores HP and MP 70% Tuna Skewers--Restores MP 70% Purity Leaf: Golden Stew--Restores MP 90% Magical Salad--Restores MP 100% Milky Potage--Restores MP 80% Special Stir-Fry--Restores MP 70% Slippery Slime: Amoeba Soup Gelatin Steak Slime Jelly Soda Pop Sweet Fruit: 1-Up Pudding--Ressurects Character To Full Health Beautiful Ice Cream--Restores HP and MP 80% Gateau Marjolaine--Restores HP 100% Ginger Ale--Restores HP and MP 100% Yarma Cooking Set: Energy Drink--Cures All Status Abnormalities Genie's Steak--Restores HP 90% Genie's Veggie soup--Restores MP 90% Seltzer--Restores HP and MP 90% This concludes my Cookbook. I will update this when and if I find new foods. Please feel free to e-mail me at WLDNCRZY14@hotmail.com with corrections, comments, and additions. 00040000000F000000030412B16100050000000B0000000202B160000600000062000000020ÁC310‚‚ÁFFFF0‚C00000 20ÂÁ ‚‚Á10C310‚‚ÁFFFF0‚C00000 10ÂÁ ‚‚Á000700000018000000010‚20Â180‚Á00080000012D0000000240,Geneva40,4030 1040,Monaco40,4040 10000900000017000000022‚1181FF2‚1181FF000A00000021000000022‚7FFFFFFF1FF2‚7FFFFFFF1FF000B00000005000000020Â000C0000000F000000012B140‚‚1000F000000200000000050 10 ‚ÂÁÂÁ‚‚ÁÂ00130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-.¦¹°­­.'"ÔÕÒÓÉÉFFFF0FFFF001280000000C000000012B16‚0Á‚01290000000C000000012B16‚0Á‚