Star Ocean: The Second Story

Claude or Rena, at the start of your adventure you must pick which one of these you want to be your main character. The other ends up joining you but it isn't their story. Claude is from Earth and while investigating a new planet with his father and other crew, he is mysteriouosly transported to Expel. Rena, on the other hand, lives on Expel but doesn't know where she comes from. Her goal is to find her origins and real family. Star Ocean 2 is one of the best games I've played.

These are some of the best graphics ever seen.

Help Guides:
Skill List - by Exdeath A guide on Killer Moves, Magic, and Skills. You will need this guide for SO2.
Cookbook - by Darrick C. Mattsen A guide on cooking in SO2. Helps a lot to make the best food.

Review done by: Shadowburn

Star Ocean: The Second Story  
Graphics: 9.5 Graphics: Let me be frank, these are the best graphics I have ever seen on the PSX. I don't know if FF8 can beat these.
Music/Sound: 8 Music/Sound: After listening to the music more closely on my second time through the game, I've realized that it's great. I want this games soundtrack.
Play Control: 8.5 Play Control: Star Ocean is very easy to control. Plus it has Analog support so that makes it even easier and you don't have to hold down Square to run all the time.
Originality: 7 Originality: The plot moves very slowly in this game. So only play if you have a lot of time. But the originality seems pretty decent. I don't know many other games that start off like Claude's.
Challenge: 9 Challenge: Maybe it's just me, but I seem to have a lot of trouble with boss characters. But I still like the challenge of this game.
Replay Value:8 Replay Value: As soon as I beat this game I wanted to replay it again as the other main character. The scenarios are somewhat different too.

A typical battle in Star Ocean: The Second Story.

This is how good most of the CG FMA looks. Be impressed.

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