Final Fantasy 3

Yes, this is one of the greatest games of all time, brought to you by the geniuses at Square. This is one of those once-in-a-lifetime games that you gotta get somehow. This game features beautifully orchestrated music combined with rich and detailed graphics.

Final Fantasy III's Japanese logo.

Help Guides:

Secrets for FF3 -by RabiteMan This is one of the best (and oldest) sources on the net. Very reliable.
FF3 Monster Treasure Chart -by FFfanNo1 A really good chart that shows you what you get when you sneak from monsters.
The FF3 Faq -by Dmanx A small FAQ.
FF3 Spells and Tools List -by Dmanx A collection of all the spells and tools, and his opinion.

Review done by: Caliburn

Final Fantasy III  
Graphics: 9.0 Graphics: Square did a pretty decent job of making the sprites bigger than in FF2. Truely awe-inspiring.
Music/Sound: 10 Music/Sound: God, I love the music! Listen to the final battle's music!
Play Control: 8 Play Control: Mostly good. Hey, what can I say?
Originality: 9 Originality: Great Esper system, and they went in depth with the plot, including 14 playable characters.
Challenge: 8 Challenge: Somewhat tough, but not as tough as you'd want it to be.
Replay Value: 9.5 Replay Value: The storyline is so compelling, and there's probably some stuff that you'll find that you didn't get the first time around.

The game's plot starts out when three soldiers, two soldiers and one woman, who is wearing a slave crown which controls her thoughts, work for the Empire and are sent to go search for an ancient relic from the time of magic called an Esper. They go to Narshe, where rumors are spread that an Esper, a magical entity, is there. They are to excavate it and report on it's qualities. However, they are not exactly greeted to Narshe with open arms. The town defends itself against intruders. No problem for the soldiers; they have MagiTek armors. When they eventually find it, the Esper rejects the two men and slays them. It finds itself interested in the woman, however. This is just the beginning...

This is the World of Balance. In this game, there is two worlds; the World of Balance and the World of Ruin. The WoR is a desecrated world. The world's population has halved, and many were killed in the chaos. Eh, the world's population must've been somewhat around 200 before, but now it's probably 150, when you really think about it. =)

Note the small triangular island in the upper right. Go back there in the WoR and get sucked up by Zone Eater....

The Opera House is one of the coolest places in the game.

The final battle is awesome, with 3 (statue entities?) enemies to fight, and, in my opinion, one of the best songs ever to grace a video game. Don't settle on an emulator, PLAY THE GAME on SNES! This music truely fits the apokolyptic theme.

Long Live Squaresoft! (Editor's Note: This does not necessarily include all Webmasters.)  

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If you scrolled down this far, good for you. Here's a Game Genie code.

Modified by: AndrewGGW (
Original code by:
Date: 10/12/96

DD5C - 740D

Start game with effects turned off, turn effects on right before
the character select screen, turn effects off right when the select
screen comes up. you will notice the 2 spots at the bottom left of the
characters' block, which are meant to be empty, are now oqqpied by none
other than the infamous "LEO & KEFKA"!!! Leo is perfect (well, just like
he was for the part where you got to play him for a little bit). But
Kefka however, will freeze the game when it's his turn in battle (DARN!!)
Also, this code must be used when ever you want to get Leo or Kefka in
you party. (I love it, 'cause you get all the regulars PLUS Leo and's the best way to get either of them, and it's sooo easy)